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Topics - satishcgarg

Discussion / valuation of Vehicle in wealth Tax
May 03, 2012, 10:31:32 AM
AO has  disallowed method of our valuation of vehicle ehich we have taken  as per  the Balance sheet  but AO has calculated the same on Income tax Act.
Please give us any case law which support my view.

A commercial  building is developed and fully sold by a builder. The builder doesnot have any inventory in the books of account . what is the treatment in the income tax Act in the follwoing circumtances:-
1. When car parking charges is collecting from the buyer over and above the space sold to them for  uses for additional car parking and the builder does not have inventory in his books of account. can this rent is taxable under the head income from house property.
2.Similary for tower rent  collected form the telecon company, rental  income is chargeable under the head income fromhouse property.
in both the circumatances please quote the judgement.