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Topics - rajul5234

Discussion / Transfer Pricing. Reference to TPO
November 27, 2016, 04:15:24 PM
Gujarat H C. SCA 772012016. Dt. 16/11/16. Alpha Nippon

Held, While making a reference to TPO, speaking order by AO is a mandatory requirement as per CBDT Instruction 3/2016.

R K Patel
Discussion / s.11 exemption reopening
October 19, 2016, 08:30:19 AM
SCA 15715/2010. Dt. 30/9/16. Gujarat text book board. Gujarat high court

Held, If s. 11 is processed in assessment, reopening cannot be permitted even within 4 years from end of relevant assessment year to process certain clauses of the same provision which are not touched upon in original scrutiny.

R K Patel
Discussion / Reopening based on valuation report
October 14, 2016, 03:01:16 PM
SCA 18015 / 2011, Dt. 19/9/16. Kisan Proteins. Gujarat High court

Held, in absence of finding of books of account being incorrect, valuation report cannot be a basis for reopening even within 4 years from end of relevant year.

R. K. Patel
Discussion / Explanation to s. 147
October 14, 2016, 02:54:51 PM
SCA 13822/2010 Dt. 3/10/16, Anupam Rasayan. Gujarat H.C.

Held, In a reopening u/s 147 beyond 4 years from end of relevant year which is based on reasons from scrutinised case records, explanation to s.147 is not applicable.

R. K. Patel
Discussion / s. 80IB(10)
September 21, 2016, 09:23:41 AM
Guj. HC. Ganesh housing corporation, SCA 13589/2011. Dt. 12/9/16,

Held, Reopening not permissible to disturb relief u/s 80IB(10) for the reason that assessee is a works contractor and not a developer.

R K Patel
TA 568/2016. Dt. 22/8/16. Gujarat high court. Bayat Kutchhi Dasha Oswal Jain Mahajan Trust

Held, s.13(1)(b) cannot be rejected at the time of registration of trust u/s 12A due to reason of trust being of particular religious community, objects of the trust are to be screened.
s. 11 and 13 are to be processed at assessment stage.

R K Patel
Discussion / Penalty s. 271(1)(c)
August 31, 2016, 07:13:29 AM
GUJARAT HIGH COURT. TAX APPEAL 549/2016. dt. 22/8/16. R. Umedbhai
Penalty u/s 271(1)(c) not leviable for motive to conceal. Concelment or inaccurate particulars in return attract the charging provision.

R K Patel
Discussion / s.69C. bogus purchase
August 20, 2016, 10:19:46 AM
Guj H C. TA 265/08. Dt.1/8/16. Vardhman exports.

Held, If no cash is received back and purchase in stock register is backed by corresponding sales with payment through bank, no addition for bogus purchase is sustainable, that to by invoking s.69C.

R K Patel
Discussion / Capital/Revenue expenditure
August 20, 2016, 10:17:01 AM
Guj. H C. Rameshchandra Luthra. TA 252/07. DT. 10/8/16.

Held, Once for all expenditure incurred for removal of restictive covenent or disability is a revenue expense.

R K Patel
Discussion / Notification for deduction u/s 80IA(4)
August 20, 2016, 10:14:57 AM
SCA 17118/14. Dt. 8 & 9 /8/16. Devraj infrastructures ltd. Guj. H C

Held, Certificate f local authority is an essential requirement for deduction u/s 80IA(4), but appending evidence for completion of work for commencement of industrial park cannot be ignored for issuance of notification by CBDT if substantial requirements  for project completion are complied with.

R K Patel
Discussion / Penalty u/s 271E
August 20, 2016, 10:01:27 AM
TA 648/07. Dated 4/8/16. Patel gokul jeram. Gujarat high court

Deleted penalty u/s 271E based on circular applied  in decision.

R K Patel
Discussion / Undisclosed capital gains
August 20, 2016, 09:58:52 AM
Gujarat high court. TA 801/2007, dated 10/8/16

held, Investment in shares to be proved by revenue to hold assessee is liable for tax towards undisclosed capital gains.

R K Patel
Discussion / Unexplained receipts based on jottings
August 12, 2016, 05:00:06 PM
Bharatkumar. R. Joshi. Gujarat high court. Tax appeal 1474 / 2008, dated 1/8/16.

Held that no addition sustainable on base of jottings having no nexus with business of assessee.

R K Patel
TA 207/2008. Ramanlal B Patel. Gujarat H . C. Dt. 20/7/16.

Addition not sustainable if based solely on statement retracted and order is a nullity due to lack of opportunity of cross examination.

R K Patel
Discussion / Penalty s. 271(1)(c)
July 31, 2016, 02:37:52 PM
Even if quantum addition is confirmed, penalty u/s 271(1)(c) not leviable though auditor has made a mistake in his report of non disclosure and books are not produced at assessment stage.

R K Patel
Discussion / VDIS & stock adjustment
July 23, 2016, 10:49:59 PM
M/S. L M Patel & sons. TA 376/2007. Dt. 13/7/16. GUJ H C

Held, There has to be an adjustment entry of valuation of closing stock in subsequent year as a consequence to accepted VDIS proceedings.

R K Patel
Gujarat high court. TA 1437/2007. Chetnaben  J. Shah Dt. 14/7/16

Held, Mere speculation of earning of income cannot be a ground for addition based on statement in search without any support of docement or corroborative evidence.
CBDT circulars considered by court.

R K Patel
Discussion / s.69C & s. 80JJA
July 23, 2016, 10:41:46 PM
TA 725 / 2006. Aman biocol. Dt. 5/7/16. GUJ. H C 

Court held that if money is withdrawn from bank and paid for purchases of raw material and production has resulted, s.69 C fails , more so if income of assessee is exempt.

R K Patel
Discussion / s. 145 and specific additions
July 23, 2016, 10:37:37 PM
Guj. H. C. TA 1255/2009 & others. Dt. 1/7/16, Prashant oil mill.

Held, If books are rejected u/s 145, specific additions cannot be made based on those books and best judgement is to be done on basis of history and nature of business and net profit rate in previous year.

R K Patel
Discussion / s.158BFA(2) penalty
July 07, 2016, 12:42:48 PM
TA 1349 / 2008. Dt. 16/6/16. Bipinchandra Bhatia. (Guj.)

Held, Penalty u/s 158BFA is not automatic and is not leviable simply as a consequence to confirmation of quantum additions in appeals.

R K Patel