Administrator, Jammu Municipality & Anr. v. Swarn Theatre and Ors. MANU/SCOR/04882/2020 (SC);

Appeal – Supreme Court -Condonation of delay- The special leave petition has been filed after a delay of 387 days with further delay of 302 days in refiling- This is one more case which we have defined as “Certificate Cases” – Administration directed to hold an inquiry into the aspect as to who is responsible for such inordinate delay and take suitable action against the officers concerned [ .Limitation Act ,1963, S.5 ]

The special leave petition has been filed after a delay of 387 days with further delay of 302 days in refiling. This is one more case which we have defined as “Certificate Cases” . There are large gaps which are unexplained. It is not known whether any action was taken against the officers who are responsible for the inordinate delay. The highest Court cannot be a walk in place to file any time irrespective of period of limitation prescribed. To blame it on the inefficiency of the administration is no more good excuse. Administration directed to hold an inquiry into the aspect as to who is responsible for such inordinate delay and take suitable action against the officers concerned (Post Master General vs. Living Media (2012) 3 SCC 563 referred). SLP is dismissed .The compliance report be filed within six weeks and the Registrar to ensure that the same is taken on record.( SLP NO. 3097/2018, dt. 17.01.2020)