Answers to queries on legal issues

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indexation****** surrender of tenanted property
Subject: indexation****** surrender of tenanted property
Asked by: BS
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Date: November 20, 2021
Excerpt of answer:
As per section 55(2)(a) cost of tenancy rights will be taken as nil. Indexation is not available . If the assessee has paid the amount for acquiring the tenancy the indexation is available . If the assessee received an alternative accommodation the assessee may get the benefit of section 54F subject to other conditions .… (read more)
Section 270A
Subject: Section 270A
Asked by: BS
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Date: November 20, 2021
Excerpt of answer:
In CIT v. Hiralal Doshi (2016) 383 ITR 19 (Bom.)(HC) held that a mere change of head of income from capital gains to business income does not attract penalty. In PCIT v. Yamunaji Corporation (2020) 424 ITR 369 (Guj.)(HC) held that if the amount disclosed in the return is accepted , penalty cannot be levied… (read more)
Section 115BBE
Subject: Section 115BBE
Asked by: BS
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Date: November 20, 2021
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It depends on facts of the case . If the assessee discloses the income and pays the tax ae per returned income and income return and assessed is the same , the Assessing officer can not levy the penalty . If the assessing Officer the changes the head of income from business to other heads… (read more)
status of Indian stranded abroad due to travel restrictions
Subject: status of Indian stranded abroad due to travel restrictions
Asked by: BS
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Date: November 20, 2021
Excerpt of answer:
: CBDT has issued Circular No 11 of 2020 dt . 8-5 -2020 - Clarification in respect of residency under section 6 of the Income -ta At , 1961 ( 2020 ) 423 ITR 40 ( St ). . Taxation and other laws ( Relaxation of Certain Provisions ) Ordinance , 2020 -COVID -19 (… (read more)
Reassessment proceedings U/SEc.148
Subject: Reassessment proceedings U/SEc.148
Asked by: deepali Shah
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Date: November 20, 2021
Excerpt of answer:
If the assessee satisfies all the conditions of the section 10 the assessing officer cannot deny the exemption . There is no estoppel against the law the assessment has to be done as per the law . In CIT v. Shelly Products (2003) 261 ITR 367 (SC) (382 ) the Court held that , “If… (read more)
Reassessment u/sec. 147
Subject: Reassessment u/sec. 147
Asked by: Prerna bora
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Date: November 18, 2021
Excerpt of answer:
The assessee has to file the return under protest and ask for recorded reasons . After getting the recorded reasons the assessee may have to file an objection for the recorded reasons . Follow the law and procedure laid down by GKN Driveshafts ( India ) Ltd v. ITO ( 2003 ) 259 ITR 18… (read more)
why no recent judgements are uploaded after april 2021
Subject: why no recent judgements are uploaded after april 2021
Asked by: pramod n popat
Answered by:
Date: November 16, 2021
Excerpt of answer:
You may visit the site under the heading “upload your articles and judgements” . The judgements are up loaded up to 15 -11 -2021 . In the digest Colum the gist of case laws are uploaded regular basis . Till date 9005 case laws are digested the gist are available in the site for reference… (read more)
Can we pay TDS on entire amount even though payment will be made in installaments?
Subject: Can we pay TDS on entire amount even though payment will be made in installaments?
Asked by: Kishore J
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Date: November 13, 2021
Excerpt of answer:
As we understand, there are three buyers and all of them are contributing towards the purchase of the immovable property. Each buyer has to deduct tax on their share of payments. It is advisable to deduct tax once on the first payment as compared to deducting tax on each instalment as it significantly reduces the… (read more)
Reassessment proceedings U/sec. 148 on the basis of rejection of IDS declaration
Subject: Reassessment proceedings U/sec. 148 on the basis of rejection of IDS declaration
Asked by: Prerna bora
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Date: November 12, 2021
Excerpt of answer:
In Umesh D. Ganore v. PCT [2019] 263 Taxman 727 / 413 ITR 66 (Bom) High Court following the judgement in Earnest Business Services (P.) Ltd. v. CIT ( 2017 ) 393 ITR 453 ( Bom) ( HC) after considering the Judgement of Delhi High Court in Kumudam Publications P. Ltd. v. CBDT (2017) 393… (read more)
Asked by: vijay kumar
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Date: November 12, 2021
Excerpt of answer:
The assessee can make the claim for refund of cash and jewellery seized . Whether the extended period is applicable or not is a debatable issue . As regards the issue of notice under section 148 after 1-4 -2021 the matters are pending before High Court. Allahabad High Court has quashed the proceedings . Ashok… (read more)