The Model Act requires the landlord and tenant to sign a written agreement which specifies the rent, period of tenancy and other related terms.
Security deposit is capped at two month’s rent for residential premises and six month’s rent for non-residential premises.
Conditions for eviction of tenant under the Model Act include: (i) refusal to pay agreed upon rent; (ii) failure to pay rent for more than two months; (iii) occupation of part or whole of premises without written consent; and (iv) misuse of premises despite a written notice.
The Model Act established a three-tier quasi-judicial dispute adjudication mechanism consisting of: (i) Rent Authority; (ii) Rent Court; and (iii) Rent Tribunal. No civil court will have jurisdiction over matters pertaining to provisions under the Model Act.
Rent Authorities and Rent Courts may be established by the District Collector with the approval of the state government. The state or union territory government may establish a Rent Tribunal after consulting with the jurisdictional High Court.
The Model Act requires the landlord and tenant to sign a written agreement which specifies the rent, period of tenancy and other related terms.
Security deposit is capped at two month’s rent for residential premises and six month’s rent for non-residential premises.
Conditions for eviction of tenant under the Model Act include: (i) refusal to pay agreed upon rent; (ii) failure to pay rent for more than two months; (iii) occupation of part or whole of premises without written consent; and (iv) misuse of premises despite a written notice.
The Model Act established a three-tier quasi-judicial dispute adjudication mechanism consisting of: (i) Rent Authority; (ii) Rent Court; and (iii) Rent Tribunal. No civil court will have jurisdiction over matters pertaining to provisions under the Model Act.
Rent Authorities and Rent Courts may be established by the District Collector with the approval of the state government. The state or union territory government may establish a Rent Tribunal after consulting with the jurisdictional High Court.
About the Author: Author is an advocate my profession having practical experience of over 10 years in the field of Income-tax laws, Consumer protection and RERA law.
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Posted on: August 9th, 2021
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