The Finance Act 2020 had made significant changes to the governance framework for existing as well as new NGOs in India. The new procedure was supposed to be rolled out from 1st June, 2020 but considering the current pandemic situation, it was extended to 1st April, 2021 .
Under the New registration regime brought in by Finance Act, 2020, CONCEPT OF PERPETUITY HAS BEEN DONE AWAY WITH i.e.“All the existing Charitable Trust or Institutions registered under Section 12A, Section12AA and Section 80G OF THE Income Tax Act will have to apply afresh for registration under the new provisions of sections 12AB on or after 1st April 2021 till30th June 2021.
CBDT vide Notification No. 19/2021 dated 26.03.2021 has notified the new registration procedure for NGOs and Charitable Trusts and other institutions under section 12AB and section 10(23C) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 through Income-tax (6th Amendment) Rules, 2021.
It has also notified the procedure for furnishing the statement of donation received by NGO/Trust under section 80G(5).
Undoubtedly, the new regime will ensure better accountability & transparency for NGOs but definitely initial compliance burden could be felt by the NGOs of smaller size and particularly the ones in rural areas.
Under the New registration regime brought in by Finance Act,2020:-
“All the existing Charitable Trust or Institutions registered under the following sections i.e. Section 12A, Section 12AA and Section 80G need to be registered under the new Section 12AB to claim exemption u/s 10 or 11, as the case may be”. Now, from 1st April, 2021 the CBDT has made applicable the new provisions by introducing The Income Tax (6th Amendment) Rules, 2021 vide notification dated 26th March, 2021.
Previously, registrations granted under section 12A / 12AA or 80G were perpetual in nature unless cancelled by the Principal CIT or CIT (‘Competent authority’) under the provisions of the Act.
New provisions introduced by the Finance Act, 2020 have removed the concept of perpetuity and have provided that even existing organisations registered u/s 12A / 12AA OR 80G of the Income Tax Act would have to apply for registration u/s 12AB of the Finance Act 2020.
1. Validity of registration granted u/s 12 AB of the Act :
➢ The registration granted under section 12AB will remain valid for 5 years.
➢ However, in the case of Provisional registration, it shall be valid for 3 years.
➢ All the registration granted under section 12AB shall be subject to renewal as determined under the new scheme of registration.
2. Effective date for new registration procedure :
The new registration procedure prescribed under Section 12AB of IT Act was supposed to be rolled out from 1st June, 2020 and end by 31st August 2020, which was deferred and extended to 1st October, 2020 and end by 31st December 2020 but considering the current pandemic situation, it has been extended to 1st April, 2021 and hence now all existing Trust and Intuitions have to re-register themselves under Section 12AB of IT Act from 01.04.2021.
Accordingly, Trusts or Institutions is required to apply for registration and approval under new Section 12AB of IT Act within 3 months from1 April 2021, i.e., by 30th June 2021.
3. Forms to be filled in and verification:
The forms as prescribed for this purpose are Form No. 10A & 10AB. The said forms are to be filled online and shall be furnished electronically ;
(i) under digital signature, if the return of income is required to be furnished under digital signatures , OR
(ii) through electronic verification code in a case not covered under clause (i).
Form Nos. 10A or 10AB, as the case may be, shall be verified by the person who is authorized to verify the return of income.
➢ FORM 10A
Form 10A shall be used for the following purposes :
• Application for revalidation of registration/approval for existing organizations registered/approved under section 12A/12AA/80G.
• Application for provisional registrations/approval under section 12AB/80G
Form 10AB shall be used for the following purposes:
• Conversion of provisional registration into regular registration
• Renewal of registration/approval after five years
• Activating inoperative registration under section 10(23C)/10(46)
• Re-registration for modification of objects for entities registered u/s 12
4. Due dates to apply :
Due Dates to apply in Form 10A
a. Trusts already approved/registered and their approval/ registration is continuing an on 01-04-2021 : On or before 30-06-2021
b. Trusts making application for provisional registration/ approval : 1 month before the commencement of the previous year from which the said approval is sought.
Due Dates to Apply in Form 10AB
a. Conversion of provisional registration into regular registration : Before 6 Months of Expiry or 6 Months from commencement of activities whichever is earlier.
b. Renewal of registration/approval after five years : Before 6 Months of Expiry
c. Re-registration for modification of objects for entities registered under section 12AB : Within 30 Days from such modification.
5. Documents to be submitted :
The application in Form No. 10A or 10AB shall be accompanied by the following documents:
a) Self-certified copy of the registration certificate
b) Self-certified copy of trust deed (in case of public trust)
c) Self-certified copy of FCRA Registration Certificate (If any)
d) Self-certified copy of existing order granting registration under section 10/12A/12AA/12AB/ 80G
e) Self-certified copy of an order of rejection of application for grant of registration under section 12A/12AA/12AB/ 80G (if any)
f) NGO Darpan ID and registration detail
g) Activity Report since registration or last three years (From FY 2018-19 to 2020-21)
h) Self-certified copies of the annual accounts with audit report since registration or last three years (From FY 2018-19 to 2020-21)
i) List of governing body/ Trustees/ shareholders/ directors along with their name, address, PAN No., Email & contact no.
j) Amount of expenditure incurred for religious activity since registration or last three years (From FY 2018-19 to 2020-21)
k) Note on the activities of the applicant.
6. Order Granting Registration :
On receipt of application the Principal Commissioner or Commissioner, authorised by the Board shall pass an order in writing :
a. In case the applicant is already registered u/s 12AA or in case of provisional registration, where Form No. 10A has been submitted by the applicant:
• Order granting registration shall be granted in writing in Form No. 10AC and and a sixteen digit alphanumeric Unique Registration Number (URN) shall be allotted on successful registration.
b. In cases where Form No. 10AB has been filed by the applicant :
• order granting registration or rejection or cancellation shall be in Form No. 10AD.
c. In case of an application made under sub-clause (vi) of clause (ac) of sub-section (1) of section 12A during previous year beginning on 1st day of April, 2021, the provisional registration shall be effective from the assessment year beginning on 1st day of April, 2022.
7. Can approval granted under section 12AB be cancelled
• If, at any point of time, it is noticed that Form No. 10A has not been duly filled in or by providing false or inaccurate information or documents, the PCIT or CIT may cancel the registration in Form No. 10AC
• However, an opportunity of being heard will be allowed before cancellation
• On cancellation, it shall be deemed that URN had never been granted or issued.
1. Forms to be filled in
For applying 80G Registration , form-10G has been done away with. Similar amendment in registration/ renewal procedure has also been made in section 80G. Thus, the existing trusts/ institutions will now have to apply for fresh registration under sub section (5) of section 80G in the same manner as applicable in section 12AB. Such application shall be made through Form No. 10A or 10AB as may be applicable to the institution.
2. Furnishing of the statement u/s. 80G:
From F.Y. 2021-22, every trust / institution registered u/s. 80G shall have to furnish statement of donations based on which the deduction will be available to the donors. The details of donations have to be furnished in Form No. 10BD annually, on or before 31st May of the subsequent financial year (e.g. the statement for F.Y. 2021-22 will have to be furnished on or before 31.05.2022). Following information shall be required to furnish the statement (Form 10BD):
a. PAN / Aadhaar Number of the donor.
b. If PAN / Aadhaar is not available then either the passport No. / Elector’s photo identity / Driving License/ Ration Card/ Tax Payer identification Number where the person resides.
c. Type of donation i.e. Corpus / Specific Grant/ Others.
d. Amount of donation.
e. Mode of receipt – Cash/ Kind/ Electronic modes including Account Payee Cheque / Others.
f. The certificate in Form No. 10BE to be given to the donor will be available for download from the website of the Income tax Department after furnishing of Form 10BD.
g. It is important to maintain complete record of all donors including PAN and address from 01.4.2021.
Step 1: Apply online on Income Tax Portal
The applicant has to apply for revalidation of 12A and 80G online, at the Income Tax Portal. Log in with your ID and Password
Step 2: Fill in complete details carefully and correctly
Any misinformation/ incorrect information could lead to the form getting rejected. All the documents which are to be attached as attachments must be attached carefully.
Step 3: Registration order will be generated by the department
After successful filing of application form, the department will verify and scrutinize the documents, Thereafter an order granting the registration will be issued within 3 months from the end of the month of filing application and a sixteen digit alphanumeric Unique Registration Number (URN) shall be allotted on successful registration.
Step 4. Renewal after 5 years
After 5 years , the same process has to be done again.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is intended solely for the dissemination of information and does not aim at solicitation of work. The author is not responsible for the misuse or misinterpretation of the information presented herein. The author accepts no responsibility for any loss arising from any action taken or not taken by anyone using this material. Though meticulous care has been taken but the author assumes no liability in respect of any loss/ damage incurred while acting on the information provided in this article.
About the Author: CA. RAJESH B. MANGLA rbmangla@gmail.com 9810059858 www.rbmanglaandassoc.com Qualified Chartered Accountant, a seasoned professional with verifiable year after year success in the field of Audits, Management Consulting, System Design and Controls, Due Diligence Reviews, M&A, ERP Implementation, MIS and Client Relationship Management and carries his core competence in accounting standards, audit procedures, internal controls and international accounting procedures including GAP accounting. He has vast experience in dealing with FCRA matters and has also been advising various NGOs (including Sec.8 companies) including those funded by International Funding Agencies. He has been practicing under the name & style of Rajesh B. Mangla & Associates, Chartered Accountants for over 25 years. He is member of ASSOCHAM, Empaneled with Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) as Mediator/ Conciliator, Special Auditor for Delhi VAT Dept, Member Delhi University Court etc.
Pdf file of article: Not Available
Posted on: May 14th, 2021
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Sir if we are registering a trust u/s 12AB (1)(ac)(i) which is already registered u/s 12A or 12AA. Which registration will we get ??? Final or provisional?????
If the date for filing Application for registration u/S 12AB & 80G of I T Act is extended beyond 30-6-21 then kindly inform CBDT Notification No.
Sir Thank you for the wonderful and comprehensive article. Can Form 10A be sent via post to CPC Bangalore like how we do for efiling the return or is the online submission of form 10 A mandatory?Kindly clarify on this pls…
mandatory efiling
Sir I want to new registration of u/s 12ab for new trust.
Kindly provide me website address or link for completing apply.
With Regards.
how to file new registration of society (N.G.O.s) in form 12AB and what is its website
to file the application.
If the date for filing Application for registration u/S 12AB & 80G of I T Act is extended beyond 30-6-21 then kindly inform CBDT Notification No.
Sir any date extension given by IT Dept.To re-registration of 12 A & 80 G for charitable trust.
FCRA annual return fc-4 submission last date is 30/06/21 but new IT Portal is not working properly , any date extension given by the IT Department.
Has date of fresh registration of old Trusts,under Section 12AB been further extended from 30th June 2021 due to problems in Income tax portal??
Sir, after applying for 12AB & 80G registration, Certificate will come through postal address or email ? please answer.
Any updates sir?
sir 12AB form filled and saved, but again open it the empty form displayed (some cases). how to file it sir
how to apply in form 12AB existing trust approval u/s.10(23C)(i) to (vi) and 80(G)
sir, 12AB form other registration details:-
i select and saved u/s.12AA section.
after i open it the section display in u/s.10(46)?
संस्था/सोसायटी आयकर अधिनियम 1961 की धारा 12A , 80G और FCRA-Act के अंतर्गत पंजीकृत सोसायटी है । जिसका PAN No AAQFA9119C.
सोसायटी अपने PAN Status जोकि Firm दिखता है उसमे सुधार करवाना चाहती है| जानकारी और विषय समझ की अज्ञानता के चले PAN Card बनवाने वाले ने सोसायटी के पंजीयन प्रमाण पत्र (Registration Certificate और By- Laws Of Society With Internal Rules/Regulations) देखते और जमा करते हुए भी PAN Status – Firm में टिक कर दिया होगा – जिसके चलते पैन कार्ड फर्म दिखता है /
विभाग ने भी एस विषय पर किसी प्रकार की पैन अप्रूवल दे ते समय न आपति ली / न बाद में जानकारी दी / और सस्था के पदाधिकारियों को भी इस विषय में जानकारी नहीं थी /
बाद में इसी समिति के PAN No AAQFA9119C के अंतर्गत आयकर अधिनियम 1961 की धारा 12A , 80G के अंतर्गत पंजीयन प्राप्त हुए ! अब 10A फ्राम नहीं भर पा रहे है वह ऑनलाइन जमा नहीं हो पा रहा है, मार्गदर्शन करे
Sir, Whether this re registration process applicable for employees gratuity fund trust as well. Kindly advise.