Allowing the appeal of the assesssee the Tribunal held that; when assessee had completed audit, but return was uploaded belatedly. Reason given was that computer got infected and it took some time to set it right so that assessee could upload entire data. This reasoning given was supported by certificate from computer specialist, who attended to problem. Explanation given that computers got infected was reasonable explanation given in circumstances, delay in filing return was not intentional delay but beyond reasonable control of assessee. Denial of exemption is held to be not justified. (AY. 2008 -09, 2011-12)
Bartronics India Ltd. v. Dy.CIT (2018) 65 ITR 540 (Hyd.)(Trib.)
S. 10B : Export oriented undertakings -Delay of one month in uploading the return-System was affected by virus -Reasonable cause – Exemption cannot be denied. [S. 139(1)]