Bilcare Ltd. v. ACIT (2021) 211 TTJ 429 / 207 DTR 257 (Pune)(Trib.)

S. 92B : Transfer pricing-The term international transaction includes capital financing, which, in turn, also includes guarantee-effects of furnishing corporate guarantee directly percolated to the principal debtor, namely, AE for whom the assessee stood surety-thus, the department contention that the act of furnishing guarantee be treated as shareholder’s activity, is devoid of any merit. [S. 92C, 92CA]

In the present case, the Appellate Tribunal held that on going through the ambit of “shareholder activity” as given in the OECD Guidelines on a general perspective, it becomes imminent that such activities are certain acts performed by a company solely because of its shareholding in other group companies, which is obviously not the case here. Au contraire, the effect of furnishing corporate guarantee directly percolated to the principal debtor, namely, the AEs for whom the assessee stood surety. Thus, the ground urging that the act of furnishing guarantee be treated as shareholder’s activity, is devoid of merits. Moreover, now with the statutory amendment specifically treating ‘guarantee’ as an international transaction, there remains no doubt whatsoever that the furnishing of corporate guarantee by an assessee is an international transaction. This ground is thus dismissed. (AY. 2014-15)