Casa Grande Civil Engineering P. Ltd. v. Jt. CIT (OSD) (2024)110 ITR 65 (SN)(Chennai)(Trib)

S. 40(a)(ia) : Amounts not deductible-Deduction at source-Cash credits-Service tax out standing-Additional evidence is admitted-Matter is remanded for fresh adjudication. [S.43B, 68, 145A(ii), Form No 26A]

Held that second proviso to Section 40(ia) and  Form 26A brought as additional evidence. Cash credits, additional  evidence filed. Service tax outstanding.  Assessee following exclusive method of accounting and Service tax was not routed through profit and loss account. Provisions of  Section 145A(ii)  mandate assessee to follow inclusive method of  Accounting. Matter remanded to Assessing Officer for fresh adjudication.(AY.2018-19)