S. 45 : Capital gains-Gift-Company-Family arrangement-Arrangement between members of family-Company separate and distinct entity not part of family-Shares held as stock in trade-Gift of shares to other group companies-Articles empowering gift-Shares disclosed in recipients’ annual accounts and recipients assessed-Shares transacted trough Dematerialised account-No real income taxable in assessee’s hands-Conversion of stock-in-trade into capital asset-Provision for taxation brought with effect from 1-4-2019-No provision for taxation of gift of stock-in-trade in hands of Donor imputing market value. [S. 2(24)(xiia), 2(42A), Expln. 1, 28(via), 45(2), 49(9), Companies Act, 2013, or the Companies Act, 1956. Transfer of Property Act, 1882, S. 122]