Category: Income-Tax Act

Archive for the ‘Income-Tax Act’ Category

Garima Polymers Pvt. Ltd. v. ACIT (2021) 86 ITR 261(Delhi)(Trib.)

S. 68 : Cash credits-Share application money-Genuineness of transaction not established-Addition is held to be justified-Unsecured loan-Onus discharged-Addition is held to be not justified.[S.131]

Dy. CIT v. MPS Infotecnics Pvt. Ltd. (2021) 86 ITR 141 (Delhi)(Trib.) ACIT v. Vyanktesh Plastics and Packaging Pvt. Ltd (2021) 86 ITR 174 (Indore)(Trib.) ACIT v. Famous Vanijya Pvt. Ltd. (2021)86 ITR 174 (Indore)(Trib.)

S. 68 : Cash credits-Issue of convertible warrants-Receipt of total money over three years-Deletion of addition justified.

ACIT v. Ariba Foods Pvt. Ltd (2021)86 ITR 174 (Indore)(Trib.)

S. 68 : Cash credits-Unsecured loans-Statement in the course of survey and search-No nexus with loan transaction of year under consideration-Failure to issue summons-No addition can be made-Receipt of investment made in earlier years-Had sufficient funds to make investments-Addition is held to be not justified. [S.131, 133(6)]

Bengal Shriram Hitech City Pvt. Ltd. v. ACIT (2021) 86 ITR 719 (Bang.)(Trib.)

S. 56 : Income from other sources-Interest income-Deposits with banks-Assessable as income from other sources. [S. 28(i)]

Ashok Kumar v. ITO (2021) 86 ITR 576 (Delhi)(Trib.)

S. 54 : Capital gains-Profit on sale of property used for residence-Purchase of property within one year before transfer-Possession handed within one year after transfer of second property-Entitled to exemption-CIT (A)-Powers-Revised computation was filed before AO-CIT (A) has to consider the claim. [S. 45, 250]

Jayrajbhai A. Jodhani v. Dy. CIT (2021) 86 ITR 31 (SN) (Surat)(Trib.)

S. 50C : Capital gains-Full value of consideration-Stamp valuation-Variation between sale consideration and sale stamp value 5 % to 10%-Amendment curative and thus retrospective-Applicable for earlier years-Determination of land value based on various factors such as water logging, flooding of drainage water, etc. has to be considered-Valuation of assessee accepted. [S. 45]

Radharaman Constructions v. ACIT (2021) 86 ITR 44 (Mum.)(Trib.)

S. 50C : Capital gains-Full value of consideration-Stamp valuation-Land situated in green belt-Matter remanded to CIT (A)-Transfer of development rights-Provision of section 50C is not applicable-Issue raised first time before Appellate Tribunal-Matter remanded to the file of CIT(A). [S. 2(47)(v), 45, 250]

ITO v. Sajjan Kumar Bajoria (2021) 86 ITR 29 (SN) (Mum.)(Trib.) ITO v. Sushila Devi Bajoria (Smt) (2021) 86 ITR 29 (SN) (Mum.)(Trib.)

S. 45 : Capital gains-Long term capital gains-Sale of shares-Purchase and sale through online mechanism, banking channels and through Dematerialised account-Exemption cannot be denied merely on the basis of statement of third parties, without giving an opportunity of cross examination. [S. 10(38), 68, 133A]

Jawaad Alam and Fawad Alam v. ITO (2021) 86 ITR 66 (Luck.)(Trib.)

S. 45 : Capital gains-Purchase and sale of shares-Long term capital gains-Penny stock-SEBI Registered broker-Investigation report-Burden is on revenue to disprove the documents-Addition as unexplained money is held to be not justified. [S. 10(38), 69A]

ACIT v. Ashok Radhakishen Mehra (2021) 188 ITD 663/ 86 ITR 19 (SN) (Mum.)(Trib.)

S. 43B : Deductions on actual payment-Interest payable to Bank-Provision that conversion of interest into loan not equivalent to actual payment-Payment through overdraft account or cash credit account-Not disqualified. [S. 43B(d), 43B(e)]