Special Bearer Bonds (Immunities & Exemptions) Ordinance, 1981( 1981) 127 ITR 55 (St)
Special Bearer Bonds ( Immunities and Exemption ) Act , 1981 ( 1981) 129 ITR 30 (St)
S.3 : Immunities – Enacted retrospectively—Legislative power conferred on the President under Article 123—Is co-extensive with power of Parliament to make laws—Constitutional validity—Legislative intent behind enactment of the Bearer Bonds Act, 1981 is to combat menacing problem of black money— Classification between holders of black money and others made by the impugned Act is practical, real, intelligible and not arbitrary and irrational limited in scope— Bearer Bonds Act, 1981 accordingly is not violative of Art. 14 of Constitution. [ Constitution of India , Art , 14 , 123 ]