Category: Income-Tax Act

Archive for the ‘Income-Tax Act’ Category

Marshall Sons and Co (India) v. ITO (1996) 88 Taxman 619/(1997) 223 ITR 809/138 CTR 1(SC)/2 SCC 302

S.143(3): Assessment – Amalgamation – Date of Amalgamation – Specified in scheme of amalgamation and approved by the Court without specifying any other date – Date specified in scheme should be taken as transfer date. [S. 2(IB), Constitution of India, Art. 226, Companies Act 1956, S. 391, S. 394]

CIT v. Laxman Das Khandelwal (2019) 417 ITR 325/266 Taxman 171/310 CTR 8/180 DTR 313 (SC)

S. 143(2): Assessment – Notice – Failure to issue a notice u/s 143(2) renders the assessment order void even if the assessee has participated in the proceedings – Deeming fiction does not operate to save complete absence of notice. [S. 292BB]

Binoy Viswam v. UOI (Adhaar Card Linkage with Pan) (2017) 396 ITR 66/249 Taxman 290/296 CTR 17/153 DTR 209 (SC)

S. 139AA: Return of income – Quoting of Aadhar number – Legislative powers – Provision is held to be valid – Proviso to s. 139AA(2) cannot be read retrospectively as it takes away vested rights. It will only have prospective effect. [Art. 14, 19(1)(g), 21]

CIT v. S. Khader Khan Son (2012) 210 Taxman 248/79 DTR 184/254 CTR 228/ (2013) 352 ITR 480 (SC)

S. 133A: Power of survey – Statements recorded during Survey – Evidentiary value – Unexplained investments – Statement obtained under survey would not automatically bind upon the assesse and that it is not conclusive piece of evidence by itself and that section 133A does not empower any Income-tax Officer to examine any person on oath and that solely on the basis of the statement given by one of the partner of the assessee-firm income is not assessable – Addition cannot be made merely on the basis of such statement. [S. 69 ]

Poran Mal v. Director of Inspection (1974) 93 ITR 505/1974 CTR 25 (SC)

S.132: Search and seizure – Constitutional validity – Evidence found in illegal search – Can be used against the person from whose custody it was seized. [S. 135, Rule 112, of the Income-tax Rules, 1962; Constitution of India 1949, Art. 14 , 19]

Vijay Sajnani v. UOI 2017 (345) ELT 323 (SC)/MANU/SC/1312/2012

S. 131 : Power regarding discovery , production of evidence ,etc- Investigation and Enquiry – Summons under Customs Act – Presence of Advocate during interrogation of Petitioner – To be within visible range but beyond hearing range – Advocate must be prepared to be present for every summons made. [Customs Act, 1962 S. 108]

Navnitlal C. Javeri v. K. K. Sen AAC (1965) 56 ITR 198 (SC)

S.119: Central Board of Direct Taxes – Instructions – Circulars binding on revenue. [ Indian Income -tax Act , 1922 , S .2(6A)(e), 12(IB) ]

Apollo Tyres Ltd v. CIT (2002) 255 ITR 273/122 Taxman 562/174 CTR 521 (SC)

S. 115J : Book profit – Net profits in profit and loss account prepared in accordance with Parts II and III of Schedule VI to Companies Act – Accounts scrutinised and certified by statutory auditors – Assessing Officer has no power to scrutinise except as provided in Explanation. [ Companies Act , 1956 , Parts II and III of Schedule VI ]

DIT v. Morgan Stanley & Co. (2007) 292 ITR 416/210 CTR 419/162 Taxman 165/201 Taxation 160 (SC)

S. 92C: Avoidance of tax – Transfer pricing – Arms’ length price –Transactional Net Margin Method is the appropriate method in the case of service PE as it apportions the total operating profit arising from the transaction on the basis of sales, costs, assets, etc -Attribution of profit to permanent establishment – DTAA – India-USA. [S.9(1) , 90 , 92B , Art. 7]

UOI v. Azadi Bachao Andolan (2003) 263 ITR 706/132 Taxman 373/184 CTR 450 (SC)

S. 90 : Double taxation relief – India – Mauritius DTAA – Circular No. 789 ( 2000) 243 ITR (St) 57 , not ultra vires the provisions of the Income-tax Act [S.2(17, 5(2) , 6(3) , 119 , Art .3, 4, 13(4) ]