S. 145 : Method of accounting-Books of account-Sale of rice outside books-No qualitative details-Addition on account of sale of rice is affirmed. [S. 260A]
S. 145 : Method of accounting-Books of account-Sale of rice outside books-No qualitative details-Addition on account of sale of rice is affirmed. [S. 260A]
S. 144C : Reference to dispute resolution panel-DRP can give directions only in pending assessment proceedings; once assessment order is passed, DRP would have no power to pass any directions contemplated under sub-section (5) of section 144C-Direction issue by DRP is quashed. [S.92CA(3), Art. 226]
S. 144B : Faceless Assessment-Opportunity of hearing-Request for personal hearing is not granted-Rejection of request for video conferencing is violation of principles of natural justice-Assessment order and demand notice set aside-Directed to provide opportunity of being heard. [S. 143(3).144B (7), 156, Art.226]
S. 144B : Faceless Assessment-Notices sent to E-Mail address furnished by assessee registered on Department’s portal-Order of assessment is valid.[S. 144, 147, 148, Art. 226]
S. 144B : Faceless Assessment-Principles of Natural justice-Ineffective hearing during video conferencing due to technical glitches-Order passed without granting requested rescheduling of video conference to explain complexity of material submitted-Assessment order and consequent notice of demand set Aside-The Department is at liberty to proceed with the assessment under the provisions of section 144B in accordance with law after issuance of show-cause notice-cum-draft assessment order and providing an opportunity of hearing to the assessee. [S. 143(3), 156, Art. 226]
S. 144B : Faceless Assessment-Natural justice-Limitation-Effect Of Standard Operating Procedure-Notice giving less than seven days for reply-Barred By Limitation-Order and consequential notices are set aside-Matter is remanded to the stage of notice and the petitioner is permitted to file his response. [S. 142(1), 143(3), 144,Art. 226]
S.143(3): Assessment-Natural justice-Order passed without giving adequate opportunity to be heard-Not valid-Leave is granted to file reply in response to show cause notice issued u/s 142(1) of the Act. [S. 142(1), Art. 226]
S. 115JB : Company-Book profit-Amounts transferred to statutory reserve fund is includible.
S. 92CA : Transfer pricing-Reference to Transfer Pricing Officer-Arm’s Length price-Avoidance of tax-Transactions with Associated Enterprises-Arm’s length price-Question of fact-No substantial question of law.[S.92C, 260A, R.10B(2)(a)]
S. 92C : Transfer pricing-Arm’s length price-Avoidance of tax- International transaction-Failure to furnish evidence-No substantial question of law.[S. 260A, R. 10B, 10C]