CIT v. Akash Fertility Centre and Hospital (2021) 435 ITR 380 / 202 DTR 228 / 321 CTR 243 (Mad.)(HC) Editorial : Division Bench reversed in ,Akash Fertility Centre and Hospital v. CIT (2021) 438 ITR 240/ 206 DTR 1/ 322 CTR 240 (Mad) (HC)

S. 245C : Settlement Commission-Settlement of cases-Not maintaining proper accounts-No finding that there had been full and true disclosure of income-Order of settlement commission is not valid-Writ is maintainable against the order passed u/s. 245C of the Act. [S. 245D, Art. 226]

Allowing the petition the Court held that the very finding of the Settlement Commission that the assessees had not kept proper books of account in all the three cases would be sufficient to arrive at the conclusion that an application under section 245C had not been filed with full and true disclosure of income. The Settlement Commission recorded a finding that the assessee had not kept proper books of-account in all the three cases and settled the issues. Such a settlement was-improper and not in consonance with the provisions of the Act. The order of settlement was not valid. The maintainability of a writ petition is to be considered with reference to the mixed question of law and fact, and not merely on the ground that the Settlement Commission under the Income-tax Act, passed an order of settlement. Writ is maintainable.