CIT v. South Indian Bank Ltd. (No. 1) (2022) 445 ITR 480 (Ker.)(HC) CIT v. South Indian Bank Ltd. (No. 2) (2022) 445 ITR 530 / 289 Taxman 643(Ker.)(HC)

S. 145A : Method of accounting-Valuation-Bank-Stock in trade-Valuation of unquoted securities-Order of Tribunal affirmed.

Held that the Tribunal was right in holding that the valuation of unquoted securities held as stock in trade valuation adopted by the assessee was correct. Referred CIT v. Nedungadi Bank Ltd (2003) 264 ITR 545 (Ker)(HC), CIT v. Lord Krishna Bankk Ltd. (2011) 339 ITR 606 (Ker)(HC)  (AY.2003-04)(AY . 2004 -05)