CIT(E) v. Vidya Bharati Society for Educational & Scientific Advancement. (2022) 447 ITR 732/ 285 Taxman 659 / 210 DTR 193 / 325 CTR 570 (Cal.)(HC)

S. 12A : Registration-Trust or institution-Bogus donation-Cancellation of registration was set aside. [S. 12AA(3)]

CIT (E) cancelled the registration on ground that assessee-trust was engaged in money laundering as name of assessee-trust appeared in list of bogus donor on basis of statement of managing trustee of Education and Research Trust. Tribunal  set aside the order of the CIT(E). On appeal the Court held that CIT(E)  had not brought on record said statement and there was no document or material available with CIT(E) to hold that assessee had given donation to said Education and Research Trust during year. in absence of any material, allegations against trust based on which registration was cancelled were all bald allegations with nothing specific against assessee and order for cancellation of registration was to be set aside. Order of Tribunal is affirmed.