Dy. CIT v. A. P. Knit Fab (2024) 109 ITR 492 (Chd)(Trib)

S. 253 : Appellate Tribunal-Appeals-Monetary limits-CBDT instructions and Circulars-Any sum received from employees-Tax effect is Rs 46, 91, 541-Appeal of Revenue is dismissed. [S.2(24)(x), 36(1)(va),43B, 119, 268A]


Dismissing the appeal of the Revenue the Tribunal held that tax effect is only Rs 46, 91, 541  hence the appeal of Revenue is dismissed. Referred Circular No. 3 of 2018, dated 11-7 2018,(2-2018)  405 ITR 29(St)  para 10(b))  Circular No. 22 of 2015, dated 17-12 2015 (2015) 379 ITR 182 (St (AY. 2020-21)