Held, that the arm’s length price adopted by the assessee at LIBOR plus 200 basis points had been accepted by the Tribunal in the earlier years. No distinguishing feature was pointed out by the Revenue in these two years, to take a different view. Accordingly, the view taken by the Commissioner (Appeals) is proper. Held that the Commissioner (Appeals) had given categorical finding that ANJ was not functionally comparable. No material was brought to contradict finding of the Commissioner (Appeals). The Commissioner (Appeals) was justified in rejecting this company. Held, that the Tribunal had been consistently upholding the yield spread approach and also splitting of differential interest in the ratio 50 : 50 between the assessee and its associated enterprises. Order of CIT(A) is affirmed. Held that since, the Tribunal consistently upheld the practice of adopting internal comparable uncontrolled price in respect of transaction of sale of power to non-eligible undertaking and since the Commissioner (Appeals) had followed the order passed by the Tribunal in the earlier years, which had been upheld by the High Court in one of the years, the order passed by the Commissioner (Appeals) on this issue was to be upheld. (AY.2017-18, 2018-19)
Dy. CIT v. Reliance Industries Ltd. (2024)109 ITR 180 (Mum)(Trib)
S. 92C : Transfer pricing-Arm’s length price-Avoidance of tax-International transaction-Interest on delayed receipts of sale proceeds-Benchmarking at Libor Plus 200 basis points Benchmarking is accepted-Management consultancy services, Technical services and business support services-Comparables-Nature of services provided by company not functionally comparable-Commissioner (Appeals) is justified in including company-Corporate guarantee given to its Associated enterprises for availing of loans from financial institutions-Splitting of differential interest in ratio 50 : 50 between assessee and its associated enterprises 1Order of CIT(A) is affirmed-Captive power plant eligible unit-Transfer of electricity generated to other undertakings 1Internal comparable uncontrolled price-Order of Commissioner (Appeals) is a affirmed.[S.80IA]