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Answers By Expert: Dr. K. Shivaram (Sr. Advocate)

In my case after issue of Form 3 on 14/12/20 a communication has been received giving a revised Form 3 increasing the Tax payable quoting a Circular by CDBT dated 4/12/20. My case while it was of Assesment under Sec 143 as also informed in Form 1 submitted by me is now being treated as a Search case due to some guidelines in the captioned circular. Sec 5(3) of the VsV scheme clearly stipulates the the Form e once issued is conclusive and can not be reopened in any subsequent proceeding under the OT Act.


On the facts it seems that the assessee has not paid the tax as demanded by the Designated Authority, and before the payment of the tax in dispute revised intimation is sent by the Designated Authority based on the interpretation of  given by the CBDT  Circular No 21  dt 4 -12- 2020   question No .70 and answer  given by the CBDT .   The only alternative with the assesseee is file Writ before the High Court , challenging the interpretation  given by the High Court .   Section 5 (3) will be  applicable only  after  the payment of the disputed tax and issue of certificate by the Designated Authority .      




Assessment order u/s 147 read with sec. 144 passed and later on Ex-parte order u/s 271(1)(C) also passed by the same AO in the same case. The appeals against both the orders are pending with CIT (A). What will be the liability under VSVS? only Tax amount or Tax + 25% of penalty..?


Only on tax in dispute . One the quantum  appeal will be settled , the interest and penalty will be waived . Please refer Circular No. 9 dt 22-4 -2020 ,  Q. No 34 and Ans  , once the quantum appeal is settled  the penalty is automatically covered  , the assesssee is required to indicate both appeals in declaration form ( Form No 1 ) for that year 



In a case, an assessment was made denying the exemption under section 54 claimed by the assessee on the ground that the new residential property constructed was used for commercial purposes though initial approval was given by the Corporation for residential unit. While completing the assessment the A.O. did not allow any deduction for cost of acquisition (CoA) on the ground that it was not claimed in the return though in the course of the hearing request was made in writing to allow the CoA. Both appeal and rectification application was filed. The A.O. after nearly 10 months rejected the rectification application. Can VSV application be filed with the request to allow payment of tax only on the amount payable after CoA which is allowable under the law? Can the Designated Authority direct the A.O. to compute the tax after deduction of CoA?


If the assessee desires  to settle the issue the tax has to be paid on the quantum of addition disputed in the appeal memo . The Designated   Authority has no power to issue any direction to the Assessing Officer. The assessee may have to file an appeal before the CIT (A) against the rejection of application u/s 154 of the Act


The assessment is done u/s 143(3) and addition is made for LTCG for penny stock case. No search / search assessment was done on the assessee. We have filed for VSV. The AO is planning to amend calculations of Tax considering this as a search case based on Q no. 70 in FAQs. He is of the view that search was done on a kolkata based entity and from that the informations has been passed by the investigation wing. Hence according to him the Reply to the FAQ applies in our case. Kindly guide.


The assessee is right similar view is advanced by the Officers across the Country , it seems the representation is made  by the Tax Prctioners .  If the Board is not accepting the representation the aggrieved assessee may have to file Writ before High Court .



Under DTVSV scheme i have submitted form 4 online. But have not received any acknowledgement for the same. Its shows form was submitted. How do we check if it has been received by the authorities. And after submission of form 4 what is the time period to receive form 5 from the authorities


There could be some delay in forwarding the intimation , that will not invalidate the form submitted by the assessee. The Assessee can make the payment on or before March , 2021 , without payment of additional amount . Refer Circular No 18/2020 dt 28 -10 2020



AO passed the order U/s 143(3) r.w.s. 147 by making addition. Later Assessee filed the appeal with CIT (A) who unfavours the assessee by confirming the addition made by AO. Assessee later filed the appeal with ITAT which given the decision on 19/12/2019 as “The Assessing Officer shall grant reasonable opportunity of being heard to the assessee in accordance with set principles of natural justice. Thus, all the grounds raised by the assessee in this appeal are allowed for statistical purposes.” Till date no notice is being issued by AO for hearing. Now assessee wants to opt for VsV can he apply for the same. Also how he can show the appeal pending in the Form No.1.


The assessee can  avail the benefit of the scheme as the limitation for filing an appeal before High Court has not expired as on 31 -1-2020 .ie. As per S. 260A (2) (a)  of the Act, the limitation for filing the appeal is 120 days from the receipt of the order. Please refer  , Circular  No 9 dt 22-4 -2020 , Q.No 1 and answer  which state that  cases where the order has been passed but the time limit for filing appeal under the Act has  not expired as on the specified date .






The assessee can avail  the benefit of the scheme . Rules or forms cannot go beyond the the provisions of the Act. As per S. 2(1) (a) defines the appellant , as per the definition  the assessee is eligible   . Section 2 (n)  defines the specified date  i.e. means the January , 2020.  Also refer Circular No 9 /2020 dt 22-4 -2020 , Q No 1 and Answer.

The assessee can state in the form assessment year prior to 2013 -14. If the  form is not accepted the assessee can approach the Designated Authority. In case no response id received,  the assessee may have to approach High Court by way of Writ.    


Hello Sir

Assessee’s appeal for AY 2009-2010 in ITAT was partly allowed, bogus purchase addition is reduce from 12.5% to 5%
Assessee did not file appeal against the ITAT order.
Department has filed appeal in High court against the order of ITAT.
Assessee has two more appeal pending before CIT (A) on similar grounds and fact.
Now will assessee get benefit of 50% on having favorable judgment from higher authority in VsV for this two pending appeal before CIT (A) which are on same ground and facts?


Please refer  Section 3  proviso and   Circular  No    dt     Q. No 39 . Ans : In this case on the issue where the taxpayer has got the relief from ITAT in an earlier year ( not reversed by HC or SC ) the disputed tax shall be computed at half of normal rate of 100% ,  ……  , as the case may be .

If the assessee desires  to  settle the issue in respect of department appeal pending before High Court , the assessee is liable to pay only 50% of tax in dispute , as regards the appeal pending  before the  CIT (A) , the assessee is not eligible to get the concessional rate of 50 % of tax in dispute .  



Assessee has returned Rs. 10 crores as income and has not paid any taxes as on date of filing return and no computed thereof.

AO has made an addition of Rs. 2 crores and determinbed total income at Rs. 12 crores. AO has raised tax demand on entire 10 crores along with additional interest u/s 234A,B and C.

As per Section 2(j)(A), disputed tax means the total income tax (incl surcharge and cess) payable had such appeal be decided against the Assessee.

In the instant case, can the assessee file application under VSVS for payment of entire tax outstanding on Rs. 12 crores and claim full waiver of interest due (including on returned income). Essentially, the assessee is also getting the benefit of waiver of interest on self assessment taxes.


One has to see what is the tax in dispute is pending in appeal .  The assessee has to settle the tax in dispute . The tax paid under section 140A will be  given credit to the assessee.  The assessee may have to pay only Tax  the interests  levied  will be waived , once the tax in dispute is settled . 



Honorable ITAT has disposed Appeals for AYs 2008-09 and 2012-13 filed
by the Department (revenue) by a Common order dated 04.10.2019 partly
allowing the appeal of the Department by disallowing the relief given
by CIT(A).
The Appellant has received the consequential order of CIT(A) dated
11-02-2020 pertaining to the order of the ITAT dated 04-10-2019 on
17-02-2020.The Appellant has filed Miscellaneous Application before
the ITAT aggrieved by the ITAT order within the time limit allowed
under Rule 27 of ITAT rules after receiving the consequential order.
Also petition under Vivaad se vishwas scheme is filed only after the
consequential order is received from CIT Appeals ie) after 17.02.2020
. Had the CIT has released the consequential order of the ITAT before
31.01.2020 the Appellant could have filed the Miscellaneous
application before the ITAT and Petition under DTVSV before 31.01.2020
Vivaad se vishwas petition was rejected on the grounds that
Miscellaneous Application is not an Appeal and no appeal is pending as
on 31.01.2020 the Cut-off date.
Please let us know whether Miscellaneous application can be treated
as Appeal pending and how to proceed here as the hearing is still
pending before the ITAT on 12th February 2021.

P.V.Subba Rao


As per the clarification given by the CBDT ,the MA can be settled under the Scheme only if the same is dismissed in limine i.e. at the beginning of the proceedings. This has been clarified at FAQ No. 61 of CBDT Circular No. 21 of 2020 dated December 4, 2020.  However  we are of the considered opinion that ,

rectification u/s 254 (2) is continuation of appeal proceedings before the ITAT,   hence one may take the view that even when rectification application is pending it can be construed as pending. let us take an example if rectification is allowed the appeal is restored ,  it relate back the date of filing of an appeal. Hence the assessee can opt for the scheme when the miscellaneous application is pending for final disposal.  One may   have to consider in following cases the Courts have held that order rejecting the application made u/s. 254(2) of the Act is not maintainable. Chem Amit v. ACIT (2005) 272 ITR 397 (Bom.)(HC) , Safari Mercantile Pvt. Ltd. v. ITAT (2016) 386 ITR 4 (Bom.) (HC), CIT v. Singhal Industries (2017) 395 ITR 264 (Raj) (HC), Madhav Marbles & Granites v. ITAT (2012) 65 DTR 217 / 246 CTR 243 / 2012 Tax LR 465 (Raj.)(HC)

On the facts as the application is rejected the assesee may have to file writ before the High Court.