Held that milk parlours cannot be considered as godowns or warehouses as contemplated under section 80P(2)(e) hence, rental income derived from letting of milk parlours will not be eligible for deduction under section 80P(2)(e). (AY. 2014-15)
Hassan Co-operative Milk Producers Societies Union Ltd. v. ACIT (2022) 194 ITD 522/ (2023) 222 TTJ 538 (Bang.)(Trib.)
S. 80P : Co-operative societies-Letting of godown-Milk parlours cannot be considered as godowns or warehouses as contemplated under section 80P(2)(e) and hence, rental income derived from letting of milk parlours will not be eligible for deduction under section 80P(2)(e) of the Act. [S. 80P(2)(e)]