Assessee entering into agreement to purchase 100 Aircrafts from French manufacturer with option to select engine to be fitted therein. Engine manufacturer giving assessee credit for selecting its engines. Credits not subsidy or discount or commission. Assessee not engaged in trading of Aircraft or business of receiving credits. Credits received in form of money and not benefit or perquisite arising from business. Credits not incidental to or derived from business of operation of commercial Aircraft. Not a case of adventure in nature of trade. Subsequent acquisition of Aircraft on lease not material. Purpose of credits to provide support for Aircraft acquisition. Credits were capital receipt. No sale consideration flowing to assessee from lessors assessable to Capital gains tax. No presumption that transaction or agreement is colourable or sham-Construction of document primarily to be on basis of terms and conditions therein-Nature of receipt to be judged in hands of recipient. Entries in books of account not determinative of character of receipt as income. (AY.2012-13)
Interglobe Aviation Ltd. (Indigo) v. Add. CIT (2022)95 ITR 586 (SB) (Delhi)(Trib.)
S. 28(1) : Business income-Capital or revenue-Benefit or perquisite arising from business-Engine manufacturer giving assessee credit for selecting its engines-Not assessable as revenue receipt or capital gains-Capital receipts-Construction of documents-Nature of receipt to be judged in hands of recipient-Entries in books of account not determinative of character of receipt as income. [S.4, 28(iv), 45, 48]