Johnson Matthey Public Ltd. Co. v. CIT (IT) (2024) 469 ITR 31/ 301 Taxman 392 (SC) Editorial: Johnson Matthey Public Ltd. Company v. CIT (2024) 299 Taxman 334 /465 ITR 649 (Delhi)(HC)

S. 9(1)(v) : Income deemed to accrue or arise in India-Interest-Other income-Guarantee to various banks to extend credit facilities to its Indian subsidiaries-Guarantee charges were not received by assessee in respect of any debt owed to it by its Indian subsidiary-Guarantee fee would not fall within expression ‘interest’ in article 12 of India UK DTAA –Accrue-Arise-Income-SLP of assessee is dismissed-DTAA-India-UK-Northern Ireland / [S. 2(28A), 5(2), 260A, Art.7, 12(5), 23(3), Art. 136]

Assessee, a tax resident of United Kingdom, is  engaged in manufacture of specialty chemicals. During relevant year, assessee had extended guarantees to various overseas branches of foreign banks on a global basis in relation to credit facilities extended by those financial institutions to its Indian subsidiaries. In its return of income, it had characterized amount of guarantee fee as interest and, thus, taxable under article 12. Assessing Officer held that said sum would be liable to be taxed under Article 23(3) being in nature of other income. Tribunal held that  guarantee charges were not received by assessee in respect of any debt owed to it by its Indian subsidiary and guarantee charges were levied for service of providing parent company guarantees and counter indemnification of liabilities of Indian subsidiaries. Therefore  on facts, guarantee charges could not be viewed as ‘interest’ under Article 12. Further since guarantee charges became leviable every quarter at a rate already agreed upon by parties and on outstanding balance, guarantee charges clearly answered to description of income accruing or arising in India. Tribunal  affirmed  the order of Tribunal. Appeal of the assesseee is dismissed by High Court. SLP of assessee is dismissed.   (AY. 2011-12)