Lewis Family Trust v.ITO ( 2022) BCAJ- February -P. 39 ( Mum)( Trib)

S. 24 : Income from house property – Deductions – Rent of furniture and fixtures etc- 30% deduction allowable as deduction- Reimbursement of member’s share of contribution for repairing the entire society building is held to be not taxable as it has no income element . [ S.4, 22, 24(a)]

Held that  deduction under section 24(a) is held to be allowable even for rent of furniture and fixtures etc . Reimbursement of member’s share of contribution for repairing the entire society building is held to be not taxable as it has no income element .   ( TS-1121 -ITAT 2021 (Mum) (AY. 2012 -13 ( Dt. 30-11 -2021 )