Naresh Sharma. v. AO (2022) 192 ITD 379 (Chd.)(Trib.)

S. 68 : Cash credits-Cash payment by purchaser-Sale of agricultural land-Correctness of Ikrarnama-Agreement to sell-Matter remanded.

Assessing Officer made an addition on ground that assessee deposited cash in his bank account.   CIT(A) confirmed the addition on the ground that  mere filing of affidavit is not sufficient  On appeal the Tribunal held that authenticity of Ikrarnama in question, including signatures of parties needed to be forensically examined and witness to document would also needed to be examined to ascertain and verify whether signatures on Agreement to Sell ‘Ikrarnama’ which had been disowned by purchaser as a forgery. Matter remanded (AY. 2010-11)