Neo Structo Construction (P.) Ltd. v. ACIT (2022) 289 Taxman 698 / (2023)451 ITR 510(Guj.)(HC)

S. 148 : Reassessment-Notice-Merger-Information about merger of company was intimated in original return of income filed-Notice issued in name of non-existing company-Reassessment notice was quashed. [S. 147, Art. 226]

Assessee-company was merged with another company. Information about merger of company was intimated in original return of income filed for the  assessment year 2015-16. The  Assessing Officer issued notice under section 148 proposing to reassess income of assessee in name non existing company. On writ allowing the petition the notice issued in the name of non existing company was quashed.  (AY. 2015-16)