S. 132 : Search and seizure-Reason to believe-Single Judge failed to examine contentions of malafides, highhandedness and oppressive behavior during the course of search-Matter is remanded for reconsideration-Necessary to examine if there has been acquiescence on the part of assessee in which event the non furnishing of reasons pales in to insignificance ; enquiry was not made by the single judge-Denial of timely medical treatment would constitute infringement of the right to life guaranteed under Art. 21 of the Constitution of India-Matter is remanded for reconsideration–Recording of satisfaction-Single judge has erred in generalizing the challenge to notices under section 153C issued to 12 entities on the basis of satisfaction note for a single entity nor the single judge applied the principle in CIT v. Sinhagad Technical Education Society (2017) 397 ITR 344/297 CTR 441. 156 DTR 161 (SC), wherein the court held that the seized material must be pertain to relevant assessments years in question-Matter remanded for reconsideration-Transfer of case-Non communication of orders-It may be necessary to examine if there has been acquienscence on the part of the assessee in which event the non furnishing of reasons pales in to insignificance ; above enquiry was apparently not made by the single judge, matter is remanded for reconsideration-Handing over of seized material-Incriminating material-Order of the single Judge in sofar as it finds that even in the absence of seized material being handed over to the AO, the AO is under a mandate to issue notice under S.153A is required to be re-examined in the light of the law laid down by the Supreme Court in PCIT v. Ahisar Buildwel (P) Ltd (2023)454 ITR 212/ 332 CTR 729/ 225 DTR 497 (SC)-Matter remanded.[S. 127,132(1) 132(9A), 153A, 153C, 281B, 292B, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Rule 112, Art. 20, 21,32, 226, 265]
SNJ Breweries (P) Ltd. v. PDIT (Inv)(2024) 340 CTR 436 / 241 DTR 233 / 468 ITR 37 (Mad)(HC) Editorial : Chandran Somasundaram v. PDIT (2023) 450 ITR 188 / 330 CTR 237/222 DTR 201/ 145 taxmann.com 6 (Mad)(HC) is set aside.