This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 143(3) : Assessment-Alternative remedy-Writ-Disputed question of fact cannot be adjudicated in writ petition-Remedy open to the assessee is to approach the appellate forum-Order of single judge dismissing the writ is affirmed. [S. 250, 154(1) Art. 226]

Sayed Muhammed M. v. CIT (A) (2024) 340 CTR 511 / 237 DTR 540 (Ker)(HC) Editorial : Sayed Muhammed M. v. CIT (A) (2024) 339 CTR 230 / 237 DTR 542 (Ker)(HC), affirmed.

S. 143(3): Assessment-Income from undisclosed sources-Investment in immovable property-Books of account-Matter is remanded to the Assessing Officer-Failure to comply with notices, directed to pay cost of Rs.10000, to the Adyar Cancer Institute Chennai-Addition on the basis of stamp valuation is affirmed. [S. 56(2) (viib), 56(2) (x) (b)(B), 69A, Art. 226]

R. Chitra (Mrs) v. NFAC (2024) 340 CTR 257 / 240 DTR 505 / 164 134 (Mad)(HC)

S. 139 : Return of income-Condonation of delay-Reasonable cause Illness of spouse of chartered accountant-Delay is properly explained-Delay is condoned-Order of PCIT is rejecting the application is seta side [S.119(2)(b), Art. 226]

Jyotsna M. Mehta v. PCIT (2024) 340 CTR 860 / 241 DTR 465 301 Taxman 6 (Bom)(HC) Niti Ravi Mehta v.PCIT (2024) 340 CTR 860 / 241 DTR 465 301 Taxman 6 (Bom)(HC) Ravi Madhusudan Mehta v.PCIT (2024) 340 CTR 860 / 241 DTR 465 301 Taxman 6 (Bom)(HC)

S. 132 : Search and seizure-Reason to believe-Single Judge failed to examine contentions of malafides, highhandedness and oppressive behavior during the course of search-Matter is remanded for reconsideration-Necessary to examine if there has been acquiescence on the part of assessee in which event the non furnishing of reasons pales in to insignificance ; enquiry was not made by the single judge-Denial of timely medical treatment would constitute infringement of the right to life guaranteed under Art. 21 of the Constitution of India-Matter is remanded for reconsideration–Recording of satisfaction-Single judge has erred in generalizing the challenge to notices under section 153C issued to 12 entities on the basis of satisfaction note for a single entity nor the single judge applied the principle in CIT v. Sinhagad Technical Education Society (2017) 397 ITR 344/297 CTR 441. 156 DTR 161 (SC), wherein the court held that the seized material must be pertain to relevant assessments years in question-Matter remanded for reconsideration-Transfer of case-Non communication of orders-It may be necessary to examine if there has been acquienscence on the part of the assessee in which event the non furnishing of reasons pales in to insignificance ; above enquiry was apparently not made by the single judge, matter is remanded for reconsideration-Handing over of seized material-Incriminating material-Order of the single Judge in sofar as it finds that even in the absence of seized material being handed over to the AO, the AO is under a mandate to issue notice under S.153A is required to be re-examined in the light of the law laid down by the Supreme Court in PCIT v. Ahisar Buildwel (P) Ltd (2023)454 ITR 212/ 332 CTR 729/ 225 DTR 497 (SC)-Matter remanded.[S. 127,132(1) 132(9A), 153A, 153C, 281B, 292B, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, Rule 112, Art. 20, 21,32, 226, 265]

SNJ Breweries (P) Ltd. v. PDIT (Inv)(2024) 340 CTR 436 / 241 DTR 233 / 468 ITR 37 (Mad)(HC) Editorial : Chandran Somasundaram v. PDIT (2023) 450 ITR 188 / 330 CTR 237/222 DTR 201/ 145 6 (Mad)(HC) is set aside.

S. 132 : Search and seizure-Validity-Reason to believe-Recorded reason does not disclose any information-Search action is under quashed and set aside.[R. 112(2),Art. 226]

Balkrushna Gopalrao Buty v. PDI (Inv) (2024) 340 CTR 75 / 238 DTR 145 (Bom)(HC)

S. 80G : Donation-No failure to meet aims and objects-Exemption was granted for earlier years-No specific finding recorded by Commissioner(E) that assessee had failed to meet out its aims and objects and that funds received by assessee-society had been utilised for any profit, personal gains or any other purposes-Order passed by Commissioner(E) is set aside and matter is remanded back for reconsideration. [S. 12, 12A,12AA, 800G(5)(vi), Art. 226, Form No 10G]

Mumukshu Mandal (Regd.) Shri Geeta Mandir v. CIT (2024) 300 Taxman 373 /340 CTR 522 (P&H)(HC)

S. 68 : Cash credits-Share application money-Failure to prove identity, genuineness and creditworthiness of investor entities-Tribunal without examining facts in depth deleting addition-Order is perverse-Order Of Commissioner (Appeals) upholding addition is restored. [S. 260A]

PCIT v. BST Infratech Ltd. (2024) 340 CTR 132 / 237 DTR 545 / 468 ITR 111 / 161 668 (Cal)(HC)

S. 10A : Free trade zone-Profits and gains derived from export oriented undertaking— Interest income-Short term fixed deposits-Matter remanded to the file of the Assessing Officer.[S.28((i), 56, Art. 136]

Xl India Business Services (P) Ltd. v. ITO (2024) 340 CTR 939 / 242 DTR 265 / 167 583 (SC) Editorial : Xl India Business Services (P) Ltd. v. ITO (2018) 94 720 (Delhi)(HC) is set aside.

S. 10 (23C): Educational institution-Approval by prescribed authority-Object is not found existed solely for advancing educational purposes-Denial of exemption is justified. [S. 10(23C)(vi), Art. 226]

Shri Guru Hargobind Sahib Charitable Trust v. CBDT (2024) 340 CTR 219 / 240 DTR 441 (P&H)(HC)

S. 9(1)(i) : Income deemed to accrue or arise in India-Business connection-Permanent Establishment-Apportionment of income-Where an assessee had a Permanent Establishment in India, it would be liable to pay tax on income attributable to that PE notwithstanding that assessee at an entity level had suffered a loss-DTAA-India-UAE. [Art. 7(1), 7(2)]

Hyatt International Southwest Asia Ltd. v. ADCIT (2024) 340 CTR 633 242 DTR 177 / 166 466 (FB) (Delhi)(HC)