This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 271(1)(c) : Penalty-Concealment-Disallowance of claim-Depreciation-Mere disallowance of claim penalty cannot be levied.-Penalty also quashed on the ground of limitation. [S. 22, 24, 32, 275]

Kamal Enterprises and New Life Hospital. v. DCIT (2024) 206 ITD 90 (Hyd) (Trib.)

S. 263 : Commissioner-Revision of orders prejudicial to revenue-Amounts not deductible-Deduction at source-Non-resident-Failure to deduct tax at source-Revision order is affirmed.[S. 10(38, 14A, 40(a)(i), R.8D]

Simens Healthcare Diagnostics Ltd. v. PCIT (2024) 206 ITD 810 (Ahd) (Trib.)

S. 263 : Commissioner-Revision of orders prejudicial to revenue-Property held for charitable purposes-Application of accumulated income-AO failed to examine said issue during assessment proceedings, CIT(E) rightly set aside matter to file of AO for making a de novo assessment.[S.11(2), 11(3), 11(3)(d), 143(3)]

Sanganeria Foundations For Health & Education v. CIT (2024) 206 ITD 536 (Delhi) (Trib.)

S. 263 : Commissioner-Revision of orders prejudicial to revenue-Rental income from a property-Investment-Income from house property-Assessable as income from house property and not as business income-Revision order is set aside. [S. 23, 28(i), 23, 143(3)]

Effective Teleservices (P.) Ltd. v. PCIT (2024) 206 ITD 443 (Ahd) (Trib.)

S. 263 : Commissioner-Revision of orders prejudicial to revenue-Capital gains-Interest-Enhanced compensation on compulsory acquisition Act 1894-Debatable-Revision is not valid. [S. 10(37), 143(3), Land Acquisition Act, 1894, S. 28]

Pawan Kumar. v PCIT (2024) 206 ITD 53 (Delhi) (Trib.)

S. 263 : Commissioner-Revision of orders prejudicial to revenue-Death of assessee-No specific statutory provision under Income tax law which require legal heirs to intimate department about death of assessee-Assessment is not valid-Invalid assessment order could not be revised. [S.50C, 143(3)]

Bhavnaben K. Punjani. (Smt.) v. PCIT (2024) 206 ITD 30 (Rajkot) (Trib.)

S. 254(2A) : Appellate Tribunal-Stay-Three adjournments were sought by Revenue-Failure to comply with the provisions of section 13A-Stay application is rejected [S.13A, 226, 254(1)

Indian National Congress All India Congress Committee. v. DCIT (2024) 111 ITR 1 / 206 ITD 384/228 TTJ 529 (Delhi) (Trib.)

S. 253 : Appellate Tribunal-Appeals-Unexplained cash credits-Share application-Delay of 24 days-Neither affidavit nor delay is explained-Appeal is dismissed as time barred.[S. 68, 254(1)]

Manmohak Infrastructure (P.) Ltd. v. ITO (2024) 206 ITD 824/232 TTJ 229 (Kol) (Trib.)

S. 253 : Appellate Tribunal-Appeals-Delay of 17 days-Appeal fees was paid before due date of filing-No reasonable explanation for delay-Appeal is dismissed. [S. 54F]

Krishna Kumar Nathani & Sons (HUF) v. ACIT (2024) 206 ITD 480 /231 TTJ 967 (Raipur) (Trib.)

S. 253 : Appellate Tribunal-Appeals-Condonation of delay of 7 years and 104 days-Lapse on part of counsel-Appeal is dismissed as time barred. [S.119, 254(1)]

C.I. Builders (P.) Ltd. v. ACIT (2024) 206 ITD 66 (Indore)(Trib.)