This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 28(i) Business Income — Benefit or amenity arising from business — Remission or cessation of trading liability — Assessee introducing gold left behind by his father into his business and showing trade liability in his name and in name of other family as a whole or individual legal heir — AO accepting purchase of gold and approving trading results — Not a case of Assessee introducing unaccounted or unexplained money into capital or of a trade liability ceasing to exist. [S.41(1) ]

Deepak Garg v. ITO (2020) 78 ITR 40 (SN.) (Delhi) (Trib)

S. 15 : Salaries — Director Of Company — Assessable on accrual basis and not on receipt basis — Even if higher salary proposed by employer Not approved By Central Government — AO to examine factually if what is claimed by employer as deduction has been offered to tax by Director.

DCIT v. Villoo Zareer Morawala Patel (Smt.) (2020) 78 ITR 17 (SN.) (Bang) (Trib)

S. 14A : Disallowance of expenditure – Exempt income – Investments Not generating any exempt income – Disallowance of interest on borrowed funds utilized for making investments cannot be made [R.8D ]

ACIT v. Amartara P. Ltd. (2020) 78 ITR 46 (SN) (Mum)(Trib)

S. 92C : Transfer pricing – Arm’s length price – The OECD guidelines recognise that barring exceptional cases, the tax administration should not disregard the actual transaction or substitute other transactions for them- The examination of a controlled transaction should ordinarily be based on the transaction as it has been actually undertaken and structured by the associated enterprises- adoption of TNMM as the Most Appropriate Method of arriving at ALP cannot be termed as perverse or contrary to the evidence on record.- Difference of opinion as to the appropriateness of one or the other method cannot be gone into in an appeal [ S.92CA ,260A ]

PCIT v. Gulbrandsen Chemicals Pvt .Ltd ( 2020 ) 119 52 ( Guj) (HC)

S. 276CC : Offences and prosecutions – Failure to furnish return of income – Finding that delay was not willful – Conviction is held to be not valid . [ S.132 , 153A ]

ACIT v. V. K. Gupta (2020) 424 ITR 602/ 187 DTR 30/ 313 CTR 249 ( Delhi ) (HC)

S. 276C : Offences and prosecutions – Wilful attempt to evade tax –
Compounding of offences —Compounding fees to be computed on basis of tax evaded and not income sought to be evaded [ S. 132 , 271 , 276(1) 278 278B ]

Mehta Laboratories v. P CIT (2020) 424 ITR 405/ 271 Taxman 135 (Guj) (HC)

S.276C: Offences and prosecutions – Wilful attempt to evade tax False statement in verification — Abetment of false return — Limitation —Limitation inapplicable to prosecution for certain Economic Offences — Prosecution of Members of Parliament and Legislative Assemblies – — Transfer of case for Trial to Designated Court — No prejudice caused to assesses- Prosecution based on materials recovered in search and not launched based only on statements of third parties — Prosecution valid – Prosecution not barred by limitation [S. 132, 148, 277, 278, 280A 280B Economic Offences (Inapplicability Of Limitation) Act, 1974 , Code Of Criminal Procedure, 1973, S.6(1), 26 ,200 397 ]

Srinidhi Karti Chidambaram v. Dy .DCIT (2020) 424 ITR 30/ 193 DTR 217/ 316 CTR 502 (Mad) (HC) Karti P. Chidambaram v. Dy. DCIT(Inv) (2020)424 ITR 30/193 DTR 217/ 316 CTR 502 (Mad) (HC)

S. 271B :Penalty- Failure to get accounts audited – Audit conducted under provisions of Co-Operative Societies Act — No Report by Accountant — Levy of penalty justified . [ S.44AB, 273B ]

Peroorkkada Service Co-Operative Bank Ltd. v ITO (2020)424 ITR 422 / 270 Taxman 55(Ker) (HC)

S. 271(1)(c) : Penalty – Concealment- Survey – Before due date of filing of return- Amount disclosed in the return- Return accepted without additions- Levy of penalty is held to be not valid [ S.132, 133A ,139(1) ]

PCIT v. Yamunaji Corporation (2020) 424 ITR 369 (Guj) (HC)

S. 271(1)(c) : Penalty – Concealment -Capital or revenue- Claim for deduction disallowed – Penalty cannot be levied .

PCIT v. CLP Power India Pvt. Ltd. (2020) 424 ITR 98 (Guj)(HC) )