S. 271(1)(c) : Penalty – Concealment – Inadvertent error- Failure to disallow the unpaid interest – Levy of penalty is held to be not justified .[ S.43B( e ) ]
CIT v. Celebrity Fashions Ltd. (2019) 105 CCH 0499 / (2020)421 ITR 458 (Mad)(HC)S. 271(1)(c) : Penalty – Concealment – Inadvertent error- Failure to disallow the unpaid interest – Levy of penalty is held to be not justified .[ S.43B( e ) ]
CIT v. Celebrity Fashions Ltd. (2019) 105 CCH 0499 / (2020)421 ITR 458 (Mad)(HC)S. 263 : Commissioner – Revision of orders prejudicial to revenue -Export business- No proper bifurcation of direct and indirect cost -Revision is held to be valid [ S.80HHC , 260A ]
Narasus Coffee Company v. JCIT (2019) 104 CCH 0728 / (2020)421 ITR 445 (Mad)(HC)S. 147 : Reassessment -Audit objection – Depreciation- -Business or commercial rights of similar nature – Notice of reassessment based solely on audit objection is held to be not valid. [ S. 32 , 148 ]
Mobis India Ltd v. Dy. CIT, LTU-II (2018) 101 CCH 0475 /(2020)421 ITR 463 (Mad)(HC)S.147 : Reassessment –With in four years- Cash credits – Share premium – Accommodation entries- Subsequent discovery that the transaction was with a name Lender — Notice of reassessment is held to be valid. [ S.68 148 ]
RDS Project Ltd. v .ACIT (2020) 421 ITR 624 / 185 DTR 180/ 312 CTR 345 / 269 Taxman 327 (Delhi)(HC)S.147: Reassessment — With in four years – Industrial undertaking – Change of opinion -Issue discussed in original assessment proceedings and disallowed portion of the claim – Reassessment is not valid [ S .80IA , 143(3) , 148 , 263 ]
PCIT v. Swaraj Engines Ltd. (2020) 421 ITR 594 /107 CCH 0443/190 DTR 385/ 315 CTR 331 (P&H)(HC)S.147: Reassessment-After the expiry of four years- Share premium- No failure to disclose material facts- Reassessment notice on mere surmise that the assessee had received amounts as share premium is held to be not valid .[ S.148 ]
Hitachi Hi Rel Power Electronics P. Ltd. v ACIT ( 2019) 106 CCH 0421 / (2020)421 ITR 574 (Guj) (HC)S.143(3): Assessment – Estimation of rate of gross profit- Direction of the Tribunal – AO has followed the direction of Appellate Tribunal – Addition made by the AO is held to be valid . [ S.132 , 158BC, 254(1) ]
Jayesh S. Mehta v .Dy. CIT (2020)421 ITR 353 /313 CTR 721 / 273 Taxman 469(Karn)(HC)S. 92C : Transfer pricing – Arm’s length price – Comparable uncontrolled price method- The arm’s length price determined was not in excess of the invoice price by more than 5 per cent. The price fixed by the Transfer Pricing Officer was justified . [ S. 92A, 92B ]
Torry Harris Sea Foods P. Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2019) 104 CCH 0729 /(2020)421 ITR 555 / 193 DTR 377/ 316 CTR 656(Ker) (HC)S. 92C : Transfer pricing – Arm’s length price -Selection of comparables —Exclusion of dissimilarities of function is held to be justified- Appellate Tribunal- Additional evidence -Tribunal directed to examine issue of asessee’s involvement in activity of software development considering additional evidence produced .[ S.254(1)
PCIT v. Equant Solutions India Pvt. Ltd (2019) 106 CCH 0722 / (2020)421 ITR 655 (P&H)(HC) PCIT v .Orange Business Services India Solutions Pvt. Ltd (2020)421 ITR 655 (P&H)(HC) Orange Business Services India Solutions Pvt. Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2020)421 ITR 655 (P&H)(HC)S. 80P : Co-operative societies – Entitle to deduction – Reassessment notice is held to be not valid . [ S.2(19) , 147, 148, Constitution of India , Art , 226 , Karnataka Co-Operative Societies Act, 1959, S. 2(D-2) ]
Swabhimani Souharda Credit Co-Operative Ltd v. GOI (2020)421 ITR 670 / 107 CCH 0442 (Karn) (HC) Karnataka State Souharda Federal Co-Operative Limited v. GOI (2020)421 ITR 670 (Karn) (HC)