This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 40(a)(ia): Amounts not deductible – Deduction at source – Failure to deduct tax at source – Payment exceeding Rs 20,000 to each truck owners – Contract with a cement factory to transport cement with truck owners is a sub-contractor- – Disallowance is not limited only to amount outstanding and this provision equally applies in relation to expenses that had already been incurred and paid by assessee- S. 40(a)(ia) as introduced by Finance (No.2) Act, 2004 with effect from 1-4-2005 is applicable to and from assessment year 2005-06- Disallowance is held to be justified . [ S. 40A(3) , 194C ]

Shree Choudhary Transport Company v . ITO ( 2020) ( 2020) 426 ITR 289 / 192 DTR 161/ 315 CTR 849/ 272 Taxman 272 (SC) Editorial; Affirmed the order in Shree Choudhary Transport Company v . ITO [2009] 225 CTR 125 (Raj ) (HC) ( ITA No 117 /JU / 2008 dt 29-08 -2008 ) followed , Palam Gas Service v. CIT (2017) 394 ITR 300( SC) Distinguished CIT v. Hardarshan Singh [2013] 350 ITR 427/ 216 Taxman 283 / 263 CTR 466 (Delhi) (HC) PIU Ghosh v. DY CIT. [2016] 386 ITR 322/ 73 226 /(2017) 295 CTR 340 ( Cal) (HC) , CIT v. Calcutta Export Company [2018] 404 ITR 654/ 255 Taxman 293 /302 CTR 201 ( SC )

S. 37(1) : Business expenditure –”freebies” to doctors – sales promotion expenses -The code of conduct prescribed by the Medical Council is applicable only to medical practitioners/ doctors registered with the MCI and does not apply to pharmaceutical companies & the healthcare sector in any manner-Expenditure is held to be allowable -Re assessment with in four years – Change of opinion – Held to be not valid [ S 371(1) , Explanation, .147 , 148 ]

Medley Pharmaceuticals Ltd v ITO. (2020) 118 44(Mum) (Trib)

Notaries Act,1952 , S. 14

S.14:Reciprocal arrangements for recognition of notaries Acts done by foreign notaries – Presumption as to power of attorney- Document executed and authenticated before Notary Public of Singapore – Document cannot be judicially recognized. Winding up petition based on the power of Attorney executed before the Notary of Singapore is held to be not valid as per Indian law. [ Indian Evidence Act 1872, S.85 ]

Rei Agro Ltd & Ors. AIR 2015 Calcutta 54 (HC)

S. 260A : Appeal – High Court – High court shall formulate question and may then pronounce judgment either by answering question in affirmative or negative – If High Court wishes to hear appeal on any other substantial question of law not formulated by it, it may, for reasons to be recorded, formulate and hear such questions if it is satisfied that case involves such question. [ S. 4, , 28(ii)(a), Code of Civil Procedure 1908, S.100 ]

Shivraj Gupta v .CIT ( 2020) 425 ITR 420/ 272 Taxman 391/ 315 CTR 601/ 192 DTR 20 ( SC) www.itatonline .org Editorial : CIT v Shiv Raj Gupta (2014) 52 425 / [2015] 372 ITR 337 / 273 CTR 353 (Delhi) (HC) (Delhi) (HC) reversed. Followed Guffic Chem (P.) Ltd. v. CIT (2011) (2011) 332 ITR 602 / 239 CTR 225 / 52 DTR 289 / 198 Taxman 78 / 225 Taxation 383 (SC) / 4 SCC 254.

S.28(ii) (a): Business income – Compensation -Capital or revenue – Capital gains- Restrictive covenant as to non-competition – Held to be not taxable -.Prior to assessment year 2013-14 [ S. 2 (47) , 4, 28(va) ]

Shivraj Gupta v .CIT ( 2020) 425 ITR 420/ 272 Taxman 391/ 315 CTR 601/ 192 DTR 20 ( SC) www.itatonline .org Editorial : CIT v Shiv Raj Gupta (2014) 52 425/ [2015] 372 ITR 337 / 273 CTR 353 (Delhi) (HC) reversed. Followed Guffic Chem (P.) Ltd. v. CIT (2011) (2011) 332 ITR 602 / 239 CTR 225 / 52 DTR 289 / 198 Taxman 78 / 225 Taxation 383 (SC) / 4 SCC 254.

S. 9(1)(i): Income deemed to accrue or arise in India – Business connection – Income attributable to permanent establishment -Project office in India cannot be construed as fixed place hence cannot be considered as permanent establishment- Deletion of addition by the High Court is affirmed – DTAA- India -Republic of Korea [ Art.5 (1), 7 ]

DIT (IT) v .Samsung Heavy Industries Co. Ltd (2020)426 ITR 1 / 192 DTR 1/ 315 CTR 622 /272 Taxman 366 (SC ) Editorial: Samsung Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. v. DIT (IT) & Anr. (2014) 221 Taxman 315 / 265 CTR 109/98 DTR 89 (Uttarakhand)(HC), affirmed

Indian Contract Act , 1872
S. 59 : Application of payment where debt to be discharged is indicated – Apportionment between interest and principal- Firstly in payment of interest and cost therfater payment of principal amount , unless a specific direction contained in the decree or contract . [ S 60 , 61 ]

Jet Airways (India) Ltd v. Sahara Airlines Ltd & Ors.(2011) Vol 113 (3) Bom. L.R. 1725

Constitution of India, 1949
Art. 311 (2) :Dismissal or removal -Disciplinary enquiry – Documents furnishing foundation of charge sheet must be supplied- Principle of natural justice is violated – Dismissal was held to be not vald .

State of UP and Ors.v. Saroj Kumar Sinha AIR 2010 SC 3131

Transfer of property Act ,1882

S.106: Duration ofn certain lease – Servicing of Notice –Notce sent by registered poat recived back wth report not present -No presumption can be drawn unless something more is proved by cogenet evidence that it was refised. [ Code of Civil procedure ,1908 , Order v , General Clauses Act , 1897 , S 27, Indian Evidence Act ,1872 S.114(f) ]

Rama Nand v. Mulakh Raj & Anr. AIR 2010 (NOC) 921 (P & H)

Land Acquisition Act, 1894

S.5A:Hearing of objections- Natural justice – Objective Application of mind to the objections raised – Officer hearing objection should himself decide objections and give report- Successor decides the case without giving a fresh hearing, the order would stand vitiated having been passed in violation of the principles of natural justice. [ S.5C ]

UOI v. Shiv Raj; AIR 2014 SC 2242