This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S.148: Reassessment – Notice – Validity – Special audit report was a fresh tangible material – Formed reasonable belief for escaped assessment-Reassessment notice is valid. [ S.37(1) 80G , 147 ]

Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2018) 91 265/(2020)423 ITR 445 (Bom)(HC) Editorial: SLP of Assessee is dismissed (SLP No.20523 of 2018) (2019) 410 ITR 162(St.)(SC)/(2019) 260 Taxman 243 (SC)

S.147 : Reassessment-After the expiry of four years- Reopened on the ground that in another assessee where similar claim with the same housing project – No failure on the part of the assessee to disclose truly and fully all relevant facts – reassessment held to be invalid. [80IB(10)]

PCIT v. Vaman Estate (2020) 113 405 (HC) Editorial: SLP of revenue is dismissed , due to low tax effect , (SLP No.22927/2019 dt.06/09/2019)(2019)416 ITR 135(St.) (SC) (2020) 113 406/ 269 Taxman 196 (SC)

S.115JB : Book profit – Provisions as it stood prior to its amendment by virtue of Finance Act, 2012, would not be applicable to a banking company governed by provisions of Banking Regulation Act, 1949- Companies which are not required to prepare its profit and loss account in accordance with part II & III of Schedule VI of the Companies Act , 1956 – Adjustment cannot be made. [S.115JB(2), Companies Act , 1956 , S 211(2), Banking Regulation Act, 1949]

PCIT v. Bank of India (Bom)(HC)(UR)

S.115JB: Book profit – Provision is not applicable when Profit & Loss is prepared in accordance with Insurance Act 1938. [S.44]

PCIT v. The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. (2020) 114 222 (Bom)(HC) Editorial: SLP granted to the revenue. (CA No. 8178 of 2019 dt.18/10/2019)(2019) 418 ITR 14(St.)(SC)/ (2020) 269 Taxman 481 (SC)

S. 92C: Transfer pricing – Arm’s length price — Loan syndication fee received from associated enterprise — Tribunal remitting matter to AO – Not erroneous. [S.254(1),260A]

CIT v. RBS Financial Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. (2020) 421 ITR 1 / ( 2021 ) 277 Taxman 489(Bom)(HC )

S.92C: Transfer pricing- International Transactions – Arm’s length price – comparable – Investment advisor or sub – advisor cannot be compared with a merchant banker or investment banker.

PCIT v. Blackstone Advisors India Pvt. Ltd, (Bom)(HC)(UR) Editorial: SLP of revenue is dismissed (SLP No.24300 of 2019 dt.04/10/2019) (2019) 418 ITR 13 (St.)(SC)/ ( 2020) 269 Taxman 484 (SC)

S. 80IB(10) : Housing projects- Complied all the conditions- Failure to complete the project attributable to the assesee- Entitle to deduction .

PCIT v. Kewal Real Estate Pvt Ltd.(Bom)(HC)(UR) Editorial: SLP of revenue is dismissed (SLP No.18492 of 2019 dt.02/08/2019)(2019) 416 ITR 129 (St.)(SC)

S.80IB (10): Housing projects – Deduction could not be denied on the ground that project was not completed within prescribed time limit.

PCIT v. Yash Associates (2020) 423 ITR 215 (Bom) (HC) Editorial: SLP of revenue is dismissed (SLP No.18066 of 2019 dt.29/07/2019)(2019) 417 ITR 60 (St.)(SC)

S. 80IB: Industrial undertakings – Initial assessment year – Commenced manufacture in accounting year relevant to Assessment Year 2002-03 — Assessee cannot claim subsequent assessment year as year for initial deduction. [S.80IB(4), 80IB(14)]

Teracom Ltd . v. ACIT (2020) 420 ITR 1 /113 233 / 187 DTR 440/ 315 CTR 402(Bom) (HC)

S.80I : Deduction for Industrial undertaking – deduction should be given on profit without reducing the deduction u/s.80HH .[ S.80HH ]

CIT v. Hindustan Lever Ltd. (Bom)(HC)(UR) Editorial: SLP is granted to the revenue (C A No. 2015 of 2019)(2019) 413 ITR 320(St.)(SC)