S. 80G : Donation-Corporate Social Responsibility requirements-Denial of approval is not justified. [S. 12A, 80G(5)(vi)]
Sabtera Foundation v. CIT(E) (2020) 77 ITR 296 (SN) (Chd.)(Trib.)S. 80G : Donation-Corporate Social Responsibility requirements-Denial of approval is not justified. [S. 12A, 80G(5)(vi)]
Sabtera Foundation v. CIT(E) (2020) 77 ITR 296 (SN) (Chd.)(Trib.)S. 69A : Unexplained money–Cash gift from brother–Stamp paper used for the alleged gift was purchased after two years after declaration of gift-Addition is held to be valid-regarding professional receipts–Addition is deleted.
Soniya Ashokkumar Sachdev v. ITO (2020) 77 ITR 54 (SN) (Pune)(Trib.)S. 69 : Unexplained investments-Books of account not audited–Net profit to be estimated at 8%-Cash gift from relatives-Mother in law-Relative-Agricultural income-No reason to doubt genuineness and creditworthiness of source-Addition is not justified. [S. 56, Explanation, (e), 68]
Vinod Kumar Jain v. ITO (2020) 77 ITR 83 (SN) / 205 TTJ 527(Indore)(Trib.)S. 69 : Unexplained investments-Purchase of property-Source of investment-Remanded to CIT(A). [S. 250]
Mustafa Chhawaniwala v. ITO (2020) 77 ITR 5 (SN) (Indore)(Trib.)S. 69 : Unexplained investments–Search and Seizure-Unexplained cash and jewellery-Benefit is given as per circular No 1016 dt 5-11-1994-Explanation is not satisfactory–Addition is held to be justified. [S. 132]
Bishan Bansal v. Dy.CIT (2020) 77 ITR 95 (SN) (Delhi)(Trib.)S. 68 : Cash credits-Purchase of site-Transaction has not materialized–Addition is held to be not justified.
P. Ramachandra Reddy v. ITO (2020) 77 ITR 49 (SN) (Hyd.)(Trib.)S. 68 : Cash credits-Failure to prove creditworthiness of the creditor –Addition is held to be justified.
Dibyajyoti Chemicals P. Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2020) 77 ITR 40 (SN) (Cuttack)(Trib.)S. 68 : Cash credits-Identity and creditworthiness is established– Addition is held to be not justified.
Debjyoti Dutta v. ITO (2020)77 ITR 17 (SN) (Cuttack)(Trib.)S. 68 : Cash credits–Additional evidence–AO is given sufficient opportunity to examine the additional evidence–Deletion of addition s held to be justified. [S.151, R.46A]
Dy.CIT v. NIC Construction P. Ltd. (2020)77 ITR 78 (SN) (Indore) (Trib.)S. 68 : Cash credits–Information from bank statements of creditors-Finding recorded on the basis of another creditor–Information not furnished to the assesee-Violation of principle of natural justice-Remanded to CIT(A) to decide the issue after obtaining the remand report from the AO. [R. 46A]
Balwinder Kumar Sharma v. ACIT (2020) 77 ITR 380 (SN) (Chd.)(Trib.)