S. 5 : Scope of total income -Accrual- Year of taxability -Income accrues only when it becomes due – When the other party accepts the liability to pay the amount .[ S.4, 145 ]
PCIT v .Rohan Projects ( 2020)( 2020) 269 Taxman 212 ( Bom) (HC)S. 5 : Scope of total income -Accrual- Year of taxability -Income accrues only when it becomes due – When the other party accepts the liability to pay the amount .[ S.4, 145 ]
PCIT v .Rohan Projects ( 2020)( 2020) 269 Taxman 212 ( Bom) (HC)S. 68 : Cash credits – Share application money and share premium- Identity , genuineness of transaction, creditworthiness is proved – Deletion of addition is held to be justified .
PCIT v. Shree Rajalakshmi Textile Park Pvt Ltd ( 2020) BCAJ-January -P. 46 ( Bom) (HC)S. 271(1)(c) : Penalty – Concealment – Disallowance of expenditure – Deletion of penalty is held to be valid .
DCIT v. Akruti Kailash Construction ( 2020)BCAJ-January – P.34 (Mum) (Trib)S. 80AC : Return to be furnished – Housing projects- Fling of return of income u/s 139(1) is mandatory for claiming the deduction u/s 80IB (10) -Not eligible to claim the deduction . [ S.80IB(10),139(1) ]
Uma Developers v ITO ( 2020)BCAJ-January – P.34 (Mum) (Trib)S. 147 : Reassessment – Sale of agricultural land – Book profit-Erroneous application of law – Mechanical application of mind- Reassessment is held to be not valid .[ S. 2(14(iii) , 115JB ,148, 151, 263 ]
Krish Home Pvt Ltd v. ITO ( 2020) 78 ITR 101 (Jaipur)(Trib), www.itatonline.orgS. 147 : Reassessment – After the expiry of four years- Tangible material is required – Live link with such material for formation of the belief- Reason must specify as to what is the nature of default or failure on the part of the assessee- Reassessment notice is quashed . [ S. 40(a)(ia),148 , 194, 194I , Art .226 ]
BPTP Ltd v. PCIT ( 2020) 185 DTR 372 (Delhi)(HC), www.itatonline.orgS. 69C : Unexplained expenditure – Bogus purchases- Business of Civil Contactor – Even if the purchases made by the assessee are to be treated as bogus, it does not mean that entire amount can be disallowed- As the AO did not dispute the consumption of the raw materials and completion of work, only a percentage of net profit on total turnover can be estimated. [ S. 37(1), 68 ]
PCIT v Pinaki D. Panani ( Bom) (HC) www.itatonline .orgS.56: Income from other sources – Share premium- Approved valuer report was furnished – Addition is held to be not valid . [ S. 56(2)(viib), R, 11UA ]
Clearview Healthcare P. Ltd. v. ITO ( 2020 ) 181 ITD 141 / 185 DTR 369 / 77 ITR 39 (SN.)/ 203 TTJ 349 (SMC) (Delhi) ( Trib)S.54F : Capital gains- Investment in a residential house – The words “in India” cannot be read into section 54F when Parliament in its legislative wisdom has deliberately not used the words. The assessee is entitled to exemption of the Act though he has acquired house property in a foreign country- The amendment to s. 54F by the Finance Act, 2014 w.e.f. 2015 is applicable only prospectively [ S.45 ]
Rajasugumar Subramani, v. ITO ( Bang) (Trib) www.itatonline .orgS.45 : Capital gains- Family arrangements- If there is no preexisting right, the family arrangement constitutes a transfer- Merely because dispute involved some family members and such dispute is ultimately settled by filing consent terms, the same cannot be styled as a family arrangement or family settlement so as to hold that the consideration received as a result of such settlement, does not constitute capital gain- Reassessment is also held to be valid . [ S.45,147, 148 , 149 ,151, 163 ]
P.P. Mahatme, Power of Attorney ,Lorna Margaret Pinto v .ITO ( 2019 ) 112 taxmann.com 253 / (2020) 420 ITR 71 / 268 Taxman 186 / 186 DTR 260/ 313 CTR 147 ( Bom) (HC) www.itatonline .org.Editorial : SLP of assessee is dismissed P. P. Mahatme v. ACIT ( 2021 ) 279 Taxman 325 ( SC)