This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 45 : Capital gains—Transfer of assets—Depreciable asserts– Transfer of business undertaking-Holding company to subsidiary company-Assets of undertaking included intangibles like goodwill, intellectual property etc. their cost of acquisition could not be determined-Charging S. 45 for computation of capital gains did not apply-Not possible to compute capital gains-Not liable to capital gains tax. [S. 2(42A), 48, 50, 50B]
CIT v. Akzo Noble India Ltd. (2019) 181 DTR 121 / 310 CTR 255 / (2020)423 ITR 208 / (2021) 276 Taxman 259 (Cal.)(HC)
S. 45 : Capital gains–Capital asset–Agricultural land-Land situated at distance of 5 kms from limits of Municipal Corporation-It was not excluded from definition of term capital asset–Agricultural land within jurisdiction of municipality or cantonment board etc., having population not less than ten thousand-Liable to capital gains tax. [S. 2(14)(iii)(a)]
Hari Jasumal Thakur v. CIT (2019) 178 DTR 138 / 309 CTR 530 (Bom.)(HC)
S. 37(1) : Business expenditure—Expenditure on scientific research—Contribution made to Institute of Road Transport-Though S.35(1)(ii) is referred–Weighted deduction not claimed– Held to be allowable. [S. 35(1) (ii)]
CIT v. Tamilnadu State Transport Corporation (Madurai) Ltd. (2019) 179 DTR 161 (Mad.)(HC)
S. 12A : Registration–Trust or institution-Grant of benefit of S.11, 12 for the AY. 2011-12-Application for registration was submitted in AY. 2015-16–Proviso had to be read along with main proviso and not in isolation and contradiction-Registration can be given from the following financial year in which the application for registration is made and subsequent years. [S. 11, 12(2), 12AA]
CIT(E) v. Shiv Kumar Sumitra Devi Smarak Shikshan. (2019) 310 CTR 714 /(2020) 269 Taxman 163/422 ITR 468(All.)(HC)
S. 25 : Commissioner-Revision of other orders–Condonation of delay – Beyond six years-CBDT circular prescribing time limit for condonation-Not binding on High Court-Delay condoned and directed the Commissioner to decide on merit. [S. 2(ia)(i)(4), 25(1)( c ) (ii), I.T. Act, S. 264 Art. 226]
Lakshmi Muthukrishnan. v. PCIT (2019) 418 ITR 513 / (2020) 190 DTR 149/ 315 CTR 439 (Mad.)(HC) Vasanthi Muthukrishnan v PCIT (2019) 418 ITR 513 /(2020) 190 DTR 149/ 315 CTR 439 (Mad.)(HC)
S. 276 : Offences and prosecutions–Deposit of self assessment tax belatedly–No inference can be drawn that there was wilful attempt to evade on part of assessee to evade payment of tax-Prosecution was quashed. [S. 132, 140A, 276CC]
Vyalikaval House Building Co operative Society Ltd. v. IT (2019) 267 Taxman 81 /( 2020) 428 ITR 89/ 187 DTR 212/ 315 CTR 124(Karn.)(HC)
S. 271D : Penalty–Takes or accepts any loan or deposit–Burden is on assessee to prove reasonable cause–Burden is not discharged-Levy of penalty is held to be justified. [S. 269SS, 273B]
Listin Stephen v. DCIT (2019) 418 ITR 524 (Ker.)(HC)
S. 271(1)(c) : Penalty–Concealment–Survey-Amount disclosed in the survey was included in return-Return was accepted–Levy of penalty is held to be not valid. [S. 133A]
CIT v. Shree Sai Developers. (2019) 418 ITR 306 /( 2020) 186 DTR 105/ 314 CTR 641(Guj) (HC)
S. 269UD : Purchase by Central Government of immoveable properties–Auction process is conducted bona fide and in public interest-Appellant given several opportunities to bid in fresh auction conducted but not doing so-Sale Confirmed in favour of fresh buyer-No arbitrariness.
Sankalp Recreation Pvt.Ltd v. UOI (2019) 418 ITR 673/ 267 Taxman 565 (SC) Editorial: Order in Sankalp Recreation Pvt.Ltd v. UOI ( 2019) 411 ITR 671/ 258 Taxman 341 (Bom) (HC) is affirmed
S. 268A : Appeal–Monetary limit-Appeal dismissed as withdrawn [S. 260A]
PCIT v. India Pistons Ltd. (2019) 267 Taxman 79 (Mad.)(HC)