S. 153A: Assessment-Search-Reassessment-Provisions of S. 153A to S. 153D have prevalence over the regular provisions for assessment or reassessment under S. 143, 147 and 148-S. 148 shall continue to apply to the regular proceedings and also in cases where no incriminating material is seized during the search or requisition-Argument that S. 153C can be invoked in case there is incriminating material for all the relevant preceding years and otherwise S. 148 is to be resorted to, is misplaced-Once there is incriminating material seized or requisitioned belonging or relatable to the person other than on whom search was conducted S. 153C is to be resorted to-Notice under s. 148 is therefore liable to be quashed. [S. 143, 147 148, 153A, 153C, 153D, Art. 226]
Shyam Sunder Khandelwal v. ACIT (2024) 338 CTR 129 / 161 taxmann.com 255 (Raj) (HC)