S. 36(1)(iii) : Interest on borrowed capital-Borrowings were utilized for purpose of construction business-No disallowances can be made.
Shree Laxmi Estate (P. ) Ltd. v. ITO (2019) 178 ITD 98/(2020) 204 TTJ 351 (Mum.)(Trib.)S. 36(1)(iii) : Interest on borrowed capital-Borrowings were utilized for purpose of construction business-No disallowances can be made.
Shree Laxmi Estate (P. ) Ltd. v. ITO (2019) 178 ITD 98/(2020) 204 TTJ 351 (Mum.)(Trib.)S. 35D : Amortisation of preliminary expenses–Deduction granted earlier years – Deduction to be allowed for balance period.
Dy. CIT v. Sahara Care Ltd. (2019) 74 ITR 117 (Delhi)(Trib.)S. 32 : Depreciation-Goodwill–Intangible Asset–Amalgamation–Matter remanded to CIT(A)]
Dy. CIT v. Macmillan Publishers India P. Ltd. (2019) 71 ITR 8 (SN) (Chennai)(Trib. )S. 32 : Depreciation—Written down value—Valuation report-AO to decide allowable depreciation after considering valuation report submitted for earlier assessment years.
Dy. CIT v. Kanishk Metal Recycling Ltd. (2019) 74 ITR 8 (SN) (Chennai)(Trib. )S. 32 : Depreciation–Business and commercial rights-Goodwill–Intangible Asset-Entitle for depreciation.
Dy. CIT v. Landmark Cars (East) P. Ltd. (2019) 71 ITR 19 (SN) (Ahd.)(Trib.)S. 32 : Depreciation–LED Panel–Rate of depreciation is allowable as applicable to computer. [Information technology Act, 2000, S. 2(1)]
Dy. CIT v. Kumudam Publications P. Ltd. (2019) 70 ITR 41 (SN) (Chennai)(Trib. )S. 32 : Depreciation-POS TERMINALS are in the nature of computers – Entitle to depreciation at 60%. [S. 2(11), 2(13)]
Dy. CIT v. Oxigen Services India P. Ltd. (2019) 69 ITR 63 (SN) (Delhi)(Trib. )S. 32 : Depreciation-No turnover during the year-Depreciation cannot be disallowed.
Dy. CIT v. Jammu Metalic Oxides Pvt. Ltd. (2019) 72 ITR 449 (Jaipur) (Trib. )S. 32 : Depreciation-Car purchased in the name of director–Reflected in the balance sheet of the Company–Depreciation is allowable.
Shree Laxmi Estate (P. ) Ltd. v. ITO (2019) 178 ITD 98 /( 2020) 204 TTJ 351 (Mum.)(Trib. )S. 32 : Depreciation-Income from house property–Properties continued to form block of assets–Depreciation is not allowable. [S. 2(11)]
Emco Dyestuff (P.) Ltd. v. DCIT (2019) 178 ITD 111 / 184 DTR 345(Mum.)(Trib.)