S. 92C : Transfer pricing–Pro-rata adjustment considering only associated enterprises-Matter remanded-No question of law. [S. 260A]
PCIT v. Bunge India (P.) Ltd. (2019) 265 Taxman 207 (Bom.)(HC)S. 92C : Transfer pricing–Pro-rata adjustment considering only associated enterprises-Matter remanded-No question of law. [S. 260A]
PCIT v. Bunge India (P.) Ltd. (2019) 265 Taxman 207 (Bom.)(HC)S. 92C : Transfer pricing–Arm’s length price–Know-how–Royalty-TPO is not justified in making the addition without applying any specified method.
CIT v. SI Group-India Ltd. (2019) 265 Taxman 204/ ( 2020) 186 DTR 184 (Bom.)(HC)S. 80IB(10) : Housing projects-Residential plus commercial-Commercial user is permitted by local authority was within local limits-Entitle to exemption.
CIT v. Indo Continental Hotels and Resorts Ltd. (2019) 107 taxmann.com 161 /264 Taxman 294 (Raj.)(HC) Editorial: SLP of revenue is dismissed, CIT v. Indo Continental Hotels and Resorts Ltd. (2019) 264 Taxman 293 (SC)S. 80IA : Industrial undertakings-Manufacture-Activity of compression of natural gas into CNG amounted to manufacture-Entitle to exemption. [S. 2(29BA)]
Central U.P. Gas Ltd. v. Dy.CIT (2019) 106 taxmann.com 370 / 264 Taxman 283 (All.)(HC) Editorial : SLP is granted to the revenue CIT v. Central U.P. Gas Ltd. (2019) 264 Taxman 282 (SC)S. 69C : Unexplained expenditure–Bogus purchases-Alleged use of five credit cards by friends–In response to summons the friends refused use of cards–Addition is held to be justified. [S. 131]
Sunil Balasubramaniam Shankar v. ITO (2019) 265 Taxman 7 (Mag.) (Mad.)(HC)S. 69C : Unexplained expenditure–Bogus purchases-Tribunal is justified in restricting addition on account of alleged bogus purchases to 25 per cent.
PCIT v. Synbiotics Ltd. (2019) 265 Taxman 34 (Mag.) (Guj.)(HC)S. 69B : Amounts of investments not fully disclosed in books of account–Addition cannot be made merely on the basis of stamp valuation adopted by Stamp authority. [S. 45, 50C]
PCIT v. Dharmaja Infrastructure (2019) 265 Taxman 125 (Guj.)(HC)S. 69A : Unexplained money–Purchase and sale of gold on behalf of other parties-Identity of purchasers was not established– Addition on estimate basis of 3.5% of turnover is held to be justified as against 1% disclosed by the appellant.
H. Abuthahir v. DCIT (2019) 265 Taxman 9 (Mag.) (Mad.)(HC)S. 68 : Cash credits–Share application money-Income tax returns, balance sheet, confirmations were produced-Deletion of addition is held to be justified. [S. 131]
PCIT v. Adamine Construction (P.) Ltd. (2019) 107 taxmann.com 84 / 264 Taxman 280 (Delhi) (HC) Editorial : SLP of revenue is dismissed, PCIT v. Adamine Construction (P.) Ltd. (2019) 264 Taxman 279 (SC)S. 56 : Income from other sources–Issue of shares at premium-Fair market value of shares-AO has to undertake exercise of determining fair market value of shares-Matter remanded. [S. 56 (2)(viib), 119]
CIT v. Vaani Estates (P.) Ltd. (2019) 264 Taxman 310//310 CTR 12 / 180 DTR 90 / 264 Taxman 310 / (2020) 429 ITR 64 (Mad.)(HC)