This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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Natural Justice-Right of cross examination is not required to be granted when the statement is not used against the assessee and matter is decided on other evidence-Non furnishing of the documents on which the reliance is being made, principle of natural justice is violated-Matter remanded.

CIT of CE & Cust. v. Twenty first century wire Rods Ltd. (2019) (28) G. S. T. L 10 (Bom.)(HC)

Interpretation -Precedent -Recalled order cannot be relied upon as precedent.

CIT of CX. CUS & S. T. v. Bakelite Hylam Ltd. (2019) (27) G.S.T.L. 641 (SC)

S. 295(4) : Directors-Professionals-Liability of professionals acting as Non-executive directors-cannot be prosecuted for offenses committed by the company.

Rajendra Shah S/o. Ambalal Shah v. State of Maharashtra (Bom.)(HC),

S. 85 : Prosecution-Operation of impugned restraining order of High Court is stayed-Petitioners are free to prosecute respondent and proceed further in accordance with law, subject to the final decision of this matter. [S. 86]

UOI v. Gautam Khaitan (2019) 308 CTR 681 / 178 DTR 105 (SC)

S. 2(ea)(v) of : Urban Land-Expression “the construction of building not permissible under any law in force” cannot be equated with regulatory requirement of any statutory provision which mandates obtaining of permission from the Competent Authority-Restriction and prohibition are two different concepts- Tribunal was right in holding that lands were includible in net wealth as ‘urban land’.

Sarovar Hotels (P) Ltd v. Dy.CWT (2019) 307 CTR 791 / 176 DTR 209 (Bom.)(HC)

S. 292C : Presumption as to assets, books of account–Does not hold good in case the addition is made in the hands of a person other than the person searched- Un explained expenditure. [S. 69C, 153A, 153C]

CIT v. Cordial Co. (2019) 176 DTR 185 / 308 CTR 159 (Ker.)(HC)

S. 271(1)(c) : Penalty–Concealment-Explanation 5A-Disclosure of additional income in the statements and in return filed under S. 153A-Notwithstanding that the income declared in the return fled for the period under consideration is accepted – Liable to penalty. [S.153A]

Dr. Nitin Laxmikant Lad. v. ACIT (2019) 307 CTR 213 / 174 DTR 341 (Bom.)(HC)

S. 263 : Commissioner-Revision of orders prejudicial to revenue– CIT has to record his prima facie opinion in the show-cause notice, that the assessment order is erroneous and prejudicial to the interest of the revenue.

Nordic Maritime Pte Ltd. v. CIT (2019) 308 CTR 855 / 178 DTR 110 (Uttarakhand)(HC)

S. 260A : Appeal – High Court – Jurisdiction – Bombay High Court does not have jurisdiction to entertain appeals in respect of order passed by the Bangalore Bench of the Tribunal, notwithstanding the fact that an order was passed under S.127 transferring the assessee’s case from AO at Bangalore to AO at Pune. [S. 116, 124, 127]

PCIT v. Sungard Solutions (I) (P) Ltd. (2019) 308 CTR 22 / 176 DTR 57 (Bom.)(HC)

S. 260A : Appeal-High Court–High Court cannot re-examine the same evidence and reach a different factual conclusion than the lower authorities. [S. 40A(3)]

Nangal Spun Pipe Co. (P) Ltd. v. CIT (2019) 177 DTR 393/ 108 127 / 266 Taxman 8 ( Mag)/308 CTR 751 (P&H)(HC)