This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 49 : Capital gains-Previous owner-Cost of acquisition-At time of filing of return of income on 30-9-2009, sub-clause (e) to section 49(1)(iii) was not in statute as same was inserted by Finance Act, 2012, with retrospectively effective from 1-4-1999-Provision cannot be applied for computing the capital gains of relevant year. [S. 45, 47(xiii)]

Utsav Cold Storage (P.) Ltd. v. ITO (2019) 177 ITD 545 / 177 DTR 83 / 199 TTJ 409 (Jaipur)(Trib.)

S. 48 : Capital gains-Full value of consideration-Sale of shares below market price-Transfer of shares in guise of loan agreements –Consideration was taken at prevailing market rate and not at Rs. 4 per share.[S. 45]

Radhika Roy v. DCIT (2019) 200 TTJ 665 / 73 ITR 239 / 180 DTR 329(Delhi)(Trib.), Dr. Prannoy Roy v. DCIT (2019) 200 TTJ 665 / 73 ITR 239 (Delhi)(Trib.),

S. 45(2A) : Capital gains-Depository- Security–Demat–Multiple accounts-FIFO method–Should be applied to account wise and not person wise. [S. 2(42A)]

Radhika Roy v. DCIT (2019) 200 TTJ 665 / 73 ITR 239 / 180 DTR 329 (Delhi)(Trib), Dr. Prannoy Roy v. DCIT (2019) 200 TTJ 665 / 73 ITR 239 (Delhi)(Trib),

S. 45 : Capital loss-Tax planning-Purchase of compulsory convertible Debentures (CCDs) from its subsidiary company and sale to holding company-Loss is held to be genuine and allowable as capital loss. [S. 4].

Essar Teleholdings Ltd. v. ACIT (2019) 177 ITD 654 / 182 DTR 209 / 201 TTJ 760(Mum.) (Trib.)

S. 45 : Capital gains-Firm–Retirement-Excess sum paid over and above sum standing to credit of capital account of partner is assessable as capital gains. [S. 2(47), 54EC]

Savitri Kadur v. DCIT (2019) 177 ITD 259/ 181 DTR 255 (Bang.)(Trib.)

S. 45 : Capital gains–Sale of land-Invested in several small properties-Assessable as capital gains and not as business income. [S. 28(i)]

Munish Singla v. ACIT (2019) 177 ITD 529 (Chd.)(Trib.)

S. 40(a)(ia) : Amounts not deductible-Deduction at source- Wharfage charges–Not rent–Not liable to deduct tax at source. [S. 194I]

Angre Port (P.) Ltd. v. ITO (2019) 177 ITD 291/ 181 DTR 169 (Pune)(Trib.)

S. 40(a)(ia) : Amounts not deductible-Deduction at source- Contractors-Payments to dealers in lieu of service coupons–Liable to deduct tax at source-Payees have filed the return and taken in to account sum for computing income and paid the tax-No disallowance can be made–Matter remanded for verification. [S. 194C, 201(1)]

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. v. DCIT (2019) 177 ITD 699/ 183 DTR 89 (Mum.) (Trib.)

S. 40(a)(ia) : Amounts not deductible-Deduction at source– Failure to deduct tax at source–Not allowable as deduction. [S. 2(28A), 194A, 194J]

ACIT v. Hiravati Marine Products (P.) Ltd. (2019) 177 ITD 722 (Rajkot)(Trib.)

S. 37(1) : Business expenditure-Reimbursement of salary paid by sister concern- Held to be allowable as deduction.

Angre Port (P.) Ltd. v. ITO (2019) 177 ITD 291/ 181 DTR 169 (Pune)(Trib.)