This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 147 : Reassessment-After the expiry of four years-Benefit of Double taxation benefit–Tax residency certificate-Introduced subsequently-Reassessment is bad in law-DTAA-India–UAE [S.148, Art. 4(b)]
Prashant M. Timblo v. CCIT (2019) 414 ITR 507 (Bom) (HC) Editorial : SLP of revenue is dismissed CCIT v. Prashant M. Timblo (2018) 408 ITR 72 (St) (SC)
S. 133A : Power of survey–Income from undisclosed sources- Disclosure in the course of survey–Project completion method- Addition can be made only in the year of completion of project- Deletion of addition is held to be justified. [S. 69A, 145]
CIT v. Happy Home Corporation. (2019) 414 ITR 524 (Guj.)(HC) Editorial: SLP of revenue is dismissed CIT v. Happy Home Corporation (2019) 411 ITR 38 (ST) (SC) .
S. 132 : Search and seizure–Validity-Objection that panchas were not present at the time of search- Cannot be raised for first time. before CIT(A) after a period of three years . [S. 153A]
Rajan Jewellery. v. CIT (2019) 414 ITR 621 /177 DTR 369/308 CTR 602/ 266 Taxman 357 (Ker.)(HC)
S. 127 : Power to transfer cases–Co-ordinated investigation-Recorded reasons and opportunity of hearing was given-Transfer is held to be valid.[S. 127(2)(A)]
Soma Enterprise Ltd. v. CIT (2019) 414 ITR 374/ 309 CTR 396/ 180 DTR 79 (Telangana)(HC)
S. 127 : Power to transfer cases–Opportunity of hearing was granted to the assesse-Relative hardship-Order is valid.
Nexus Feeds Limited v. PCIT (2019) 414 ITR 259 (T&AP)(HC)
S. 115JB : Book profit-Gains from sale of agricultural land-Not agricultural income-cannot be reduced-Provision for gratuity- Ascertained liability-Deductible. [S. 2(IA), 2(14)(iii)(a), 10]
CIT v. Harrisons Malayalam Ltd. (2019) 414 ITR 344/ 183 DTR 302/ 266 Taxman 414/ 311 CTR 802 (Ker.)(HC), Editorial: SLP granted Harrisons Malayalam Ltd v. CIT (2022)449 ITR 391 (SC)
S. 115J : Book profit-Anticipated loss on completion of contract-Includible in profits-Provision for gratuity-Bad debts-Not includible in profits.[S. 115JA, S.145]
Fertilisers and Chemicals Travancore Ltd. (2019) 414 ITR 338 (Ker.)(HC)
S. 92C : Transfer pricing-Arm’s Length Price-Question of fact–No substantial question of law.[S. 260A]
PCIT v. Ipass India P. Ltd. (2019] 414 ITR 662 (Karn.)(HC)
S. 92C : Transfer pricing-Arm’s length price-Net margin method-Free on board value of contract cannot be included in operating cost- No question of law. [S. 92D, R.10B(1)(e)]
CIT v. Itochu India Pvt. Ltd. (2019) 414 ITR 521/ 180 DTR 334/ 310 CTR 430/ 266 Taxman 17 (Mag.) (Delhi)(HC)