S. 9(1)(vii) : Income deemed to accrue or arise in India-Fees for technical services-Service permanent establishment-Permanent Establishment-Business income-Fees for technical services-Income attributable to UK office not qualified for taxation under Article 13 of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement since “Make Available” test not satisfied-Services rendered to Board of Control for cricket in India under agreement-No transfer of skill, technical knowledge, expertise, process-Mere usage or utilisation of research material, technical or consultative material in aid of business not sufficient to attract Article 13 of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement-Distinction between utilisation and transmission of technical services-Geographical shift meant that services rendered by assessee utilised outside India and integral to earning income from sources outside India DTAA-India-United Kingdom. [S.9(1)(i), 9(1) (vii) (b), Art. 5(2)(k), 7, 13]
International Management Group (UK) Ltd. v CIT (IT) (2024)466 ITR 514/164 taxmann.com 225 /340 CTR 745 (Delhi)(HC)