This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 14A : Disallowance of expenditure – Exempt income -Only those instruments/securities which yielded exempt income during previous year relevant to assessment year would be considered for computing disallowance-If disallowance falls below disallowance under section 14A offered by assessee in return of income, revenue cannot charge tax on income which never was income of assessee chargeable to tax. [S. 139, 143(3), R.8D]

Sajjan India Ltd. v. ADIT (2018) 89 21 (Mum.) (Trib.)

S. 4 : Charge of income-tax-Capital or revenue-Right to sue- Damages received for breach of development agreement are capital in nature & not chargeable to tax. [S. 2(14), 45]

Chheda Housing Development Corporation v. ACIT ( 2019) 179 ITD 154/(2020) 191 DTR 289/ 205 TTJ 929 (Mum.)(Trib.),

Workmen- concession on facts and law made by counsel- Test to be applied to find out whether contract labourers are direct employees or not.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd. v. Mahendra Prasad Jakhmola (SC),

S. 276B : Offences and prosecutions – Failure to pay to the credit tax deducted at source -Mere delay in depositing TDS within the time limit prescribed in S. 200 & Rule 30 is an offense sufficient to attract S. 276B. The fact that the TDS has been deposited subsequently does not absolve the offense. The fact that penalty u/s 221 has not been levied is not relevant because there is an admitted delay in depositing TDS. [S. 200, 221, R.30]

Golden Gate Properties Ltd. v. DCIT( 2019) 179 DTR 241/ 310 CTR 351 (Karn)(HC),

S. 254(1) : Appellate Tribunal-Duties-Directions-ITAT should take appropriate steps and expedite hearing in old appeals.

Nokia Solutions and Networks Italia Spa v. DDIT (Delhi)(HC),

S. 147 : Reassessment –Non disclosure of receipt- Capital gains- Sale of shares- Long term – STT paid -The attempt of further verification would amount to rowing inquiry- Reassessment is bad in law. [S 2(29A, 10(38) ,115JB, .143(1), 148]

Swastic Safe Deposit and Investment Ltd. v. ACIT ( 2019)265 Taxman 164/(2020) 312 CTR 389/ 185 DTR 156 (Bom.)(HC), www.itatonline.orgEdditorial : SLP of revenue is dismissed ACIT v. Swastik Safe Deposit and Investments Ltd ( 2020) 118 94/ 273 Taxman 89 (SC)

S. 143(2) : Assessment-Notice-If a notice is issued but is returned unserved by the postal authorities and thereafter no effort is made to serve another notice before the deadline, it shall be deemed to be a case of “non-service” and the assessment order will have to be quashed. [ [S.292BB, R.127, General Clauses Act, 1897, S. 27 ]

Anil kisanlal Marda v. ITO ( 2019) 177 ITD 749 /182 DTR 153 / 201 TTJ 100(Pune)(Trib.),

S. 92C : Transfer pricing-Arm’s length price-cannot determine The ALP at nil on an ad-hoc basis-If an authority like the RBI or Commerce Ministry has approved the rate of royalty, it carries persuasive value that the rate is at ALP.

ACIT v. Netafim Irrigation India Pvt. Ltd. ( 2020) 185 DTR 30(Mum.)(Trib.),

S. 68 : Cash credits-Bogus capital gains from penny stocks-Mere allegation is not sufficient–No action from SBI–Capital gains cannot be assessed as cash credits. [S. 45]

Deepak Nagar v. DCIT (Delhi)(Trib.),

S. 68 : Cash credits–Non–Resident–I Not an ordinary resident -if the assessee is non–resident amount found deposited in a foreign bank is not taxable in India either u/s 68 or u/s 69 of the Act. Period of 182 days to be considered for calculating residential status of a person migrated to Foreign Country [S. 6(6), 69]

PCIT v. Binod Kumar Singh ( 2019) 178 DTR 49 / 264 Taxman 335/ 310 CTR 243 /( 2020) 423 ITR 175 (Bom.)(HC),