This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 251 : Appeal-Commissioner (Appeals)–Powers-Unexplained expenditure-Opportunity of cross examination-powers of Commissioner (Appeals) are co-terminus with powers of Assessing Officer and if Assessing Officer failed to discharge its functions properly and conduct proper cross-examination and other enquiry, Commissioner (Appeals) ought to have allowed cross-examination of said parties Matter remanded back for fresh consideration. [S. 69C]
Welspun India Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2019) 69 ITR 617 (Mum.)(Trib.)
S. 201 : Deduction at source-Shortfall in deposit of TDS-Adjusted against the excess deposit in earlier years–No interest u/s. 201(1A)-Net result after adjustment is excess deposit of TDS by assessee. [S. 201(IA), 245]
Steel Authority of India Ltd. v. DCIT (TDS) (2019) 69 ITR 88 (SN) (Kol.)(Trib.)
S. 153 : Assessment–Limitation–Order of assessment passed within time but dispatched after expiry of time limit, Assessment held to be barred by limitation. [S. 153(2A)].
Globe Transport Corporation v. ACIT (2019) 69 ITR 69 (SN) (Bang.)(Trib.)
S. 147 : Reassessment–Notice–Reassessment without issuance of notice u/s. 143(2) is invalid and liable to be quashed. [S. 148]
ACIT v. Sukhamani Cotton Industries (2019) 69 ITR 138 (Indore) (Trib.)
S. 147 : Reassessment-After the expiry of four years-AO had made elaborate enquiry during original assessment and the Assessee had fully and truly disclosed all material facts–Reassessment is held to be bad in law. [S. 68, 148]
ACIT v. Kad Housing P. Ltd. (2019) 69 ITR 550 (Delhi)(Trib.)
S. 92C : Transfer pricing-Adjustment ought to be made only on proportionate value of the international transaction and could not be made at an entity level.
ACIT v. Sodexo Food Solutions India P. Ltd. (2019) 69 ITR 119 (Mum.)(Trib.)
S. 92C : Transfer pricing-When TPO has accepted assessee’s segmental bifurcation to arrive at TP adjustments, no adjustment is warranted in hands of assessee under such head- A Company who is not a persistent loss making concern can be included in final set of comparables–Functionally different companies cannot be good comparable-Foreign exchange fluctuations should be treated as operating income for Transfer pricing purposes.[S. 92CA]
Triple Point Technology India Pvt. Ltd. v. Dy. CIT( 2019) 69 ITR 422 / 176 DTR 421/ 199 TTJ 237 (Pune)(Trib.)
S. 80IB : Industrial undertakings-Ownership of property is not a condition for claiming deduction.
DCIT v. AG8 Ventures Ltd (2019) 69 ITR 35 (SN) (Indore)(Trib.)
S. 45 : Capital gains–Non refundable entry fee-Right which is not enforceable by law, cannot be regarded as a capital asset- Actionable claim right cannot be assessed as capital gains – In order to attract the provisions of capital gains it is axiomatic that there has to be an income derived by the assessee on transfer of a capital asset. [S. 2(47)]
Telenor (India) Communications Pvt. Ltd. v. CIT (2019) 197 TTJ 1 / 173 DTR 65 (Delhi)(Trib.)
S. 44AD : Presumptive taxation- gross receipts-Assessee partner in firm receiving remuneration and interest–Interest and salary not business income-Assessee not eligible for presumptive taxation. [S. 28(v), 40(b)]
A. Anand Kumar v. ACIT (2019) 69 ITR 82 (SN) (Chennai)(Trib.)