This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 197 : Deduction at source-Certificate for lower rate-Mere assertion that income could not be estimated cannot be ground for rejection of application for certificate. [R.28AA, Art. 226]

Bitkuber Investments Pvt. Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (TDS) (2024) 464 ITR 193 /336 CTR 61 (Karn)(HC)

S. 153C : Assessment-Income of any other person-Search-Block Assessment-Satisfaction note-Block period-Seized material must pertain to relevant assessment year-Bearing-Notices issued in absence of incriminating material based on non-speaking satisfaction notes unsustainable-Satisfaction notes in these petitions had alluded to incriminating material having been recovered for the assessment years 2013-14 and 2014-15, respectively, and the materials that were correlatable had been specifically identified. All other contentions of parties could be raised in the ongoing proceedings. [S. 132, 153A 158BB, Art. 226 ]

Saksham Commodities Ltd. v.ITO (2024) 464 ITR 1/ 338 CTR 418 (Delhi)(HC)

S. 149 : Reassessment-Time limit for notice-Notices issued under unamended provision after 1-4-2021 for assessment year 2013-14-Notice is not barred by limitation.[S. 147, 148, Art. 226]

Saluja Steel And Power P. Ltd. v. ITD (2024) 464 ITR 724 (Jharkhand)(HC)/Santapuria Alloys P.Ltd v . ITD ( (2024) 464 ITR 724 (Jharkhand )(HC)

S. 149 : Reassessment-Time limit for notice-Finance Act, 2021-Search conducted in June, 2022-Relevant assessment year-Notice of reassessment on 31-3-2023 for Assessment Year 2013-14 is valid. [S. 149 153A, 153C, Art. 226]

Devika Construction and Developers Pvt. Ltd. v. PCIT (2024) 464 ITR 708 / 336 CTR 75 (Jharkhand)(HC) Naresh Kumar Kejriwal v. PCIT (2024) 464 ITR 708 / 336 CTR 75 (Jharkhand)(HC)

S. 148A: Reassessment-Conducting inquiry, providing opportunity before issue of notice-Assessee must be given opportunity to be heard-Notice and order disposing the objection is quashed and set aside.[S. 148, 148A(b), 148A(d),Art. 226]

Chotanagpur Diocesan Trust Association v. UOI (2024) 464 ITR 748 (Jharkhand)(HC)

S. 148A: Reassessment-Conducting inquiry, providing opportunity before issue of notice-Change of opinion-New procedure does not depart from principle that reassessment not permissible on mere change of opinion-Notice and order disposing the objection is quashed. [S. 147, 148, 148A(b), 148A(d) Art. 226]

Basic Clothing Pvt. Ltd. v. ITO (2024) 464 ITR 771 (Delhi)(HC)

S. 148A : Reassessment-Conducting inquiry, providing opportunity before issue of notice-Jurisdiction-Notice issued under existing law and reassessment order passed becoming final-Notice issued under section 148A pursuant of direction of Supreme Court in UOI v. Ashish Agarwal (2022) 444 ITR 1(SC)-Notice is without jurisdiction hence quashed. [S. 147, 148 148A(b), 148A(d), Art. 226]

Arvind Kumar Shivhare v. UOI (2024) 464 ITR 396/ 161 769 (All)(HC)

S. 148A: Reassessment-Conducting inquiry, providing opportunity before issue of notice-Principle of natural justice-Opportunity of personal hearing requested in reply to Initial show-cause notice not given-Reassessment notice and order disposing the objection is quashed and set aside.[S 148A(b), 148A(d), Art. 226]

Winsome Highrise Pvt. Ltd. and Another v. UOI (2024) 464 ITR 101 (Cal)(HC)

S. 148A : Reassessment-Conducting inquiry, providing opportunity before issue of notice-Sanction-Non application of mind-Discrepancy in quantum of escapement of income-Order and consequent notice is set aside. [S. 147, 148, 148A(b), 148A(d), 151, Art. 226]

Vodafone India Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2024) 464 ITR 385 (Bom)(HC)

S. 148 : Reassessment-Notice-Service of notice-Mandatory-Assessing Officer though aware of new address of assessee issuing notice at old address-No statutory obligation on assessee to update address in Permanent Account Number database-Participation in reassessment proceedings without service of notice does not validate notice and proceedings-Order of Tribunal quashing the assessment is affirmed. [S. 143(1), 147, 149(1)(b), 260A, 282(1), 292BB, Civil Procedure Code, 1908, Order V, rule 12]

PCIT v. Atlanta Capital Pvt. Ltd. (2024) 464 ITR 341 (Delhi)(HC) Editorial :SLP dismissed on the ground of low tax effect, PCIT v. Atlanta Capital Pvt. Ltd. (2024) 464 ITR 346 (SC)