This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 4 : Charge of income-tax–Capital or revenue-Compensation awarded under Motor Vehicles Act or Employees’ Compensation Act in lieu of death of a person or bodily injury suffered in a vehicular accident, is a damage and not an income and cannot be treated as taxable income- Not liable to deduct tax at source on compensation and interest accrued thereon. [S. 194A]

National Insurance Company Ltd. v. Indra Devi (2018) 259 Taxman 579 (HP)(HC)

S. 251 : Appeal – Commissioner (Appeals) – Power of enhancement – Action plan -The CBDT should reconsider the direction in the Central Action Plan of offering incentives to Commissioner (Appeals) to enhance assessments and levy penalty- From the action plan, it is not clear as to the utility of the norms set which the Commissioner (Appeals) has to achieve- If the purpose of setting of norms is to evaluate the performance of the Commissioner (Appeals) there would be all the more reason why the above quoted portion of the action plan be reconsidered by the CBDT.[ S.119 , 250 ]

The Chamber of Tax Consultants v. CBDT ( Bom)(HC),

S. 226 : Collection and recovery Stay of demand- The CBDT’s Circulars & Instructions are in the nature of guidelines & cannot substitute or override the basic tenets – The AO is required to assist a taxpayer in every reasonable way-.Even if the assessee has not specifically invoked the three parameters for grant of stay, it is incumbent upon the AO to do so & pass a speaking order.[ S.220(3) , 220 (6) ]

Kannammal (Mrs.) v. ITO ( 2019) 413 ITR 390/ 263 Taxman 309 / 178 DTR 321/ 311 CTR 361(Mad)(HC), Jayanthi Seeman v. PCIT ( 2019) 413 ITR 390 (Mad)(HC),

S.28(va) :Business income – Capital or revenue – Sale of a technical concept, that the assessee developed on his own, with respect to website malware monitoring- Test of human probabilities has to be applied to decide whether what is apparent is real- Assessable as business income . [ S. 28 (v) ,45, 55(2)(a) ]

Ashish Tandon v. ACIT ( 2019) 103 315 / 199 TTJ 137 / 176 DTR 353 (Ahd)(Trib),

S. 281 : Certain transfers to be void -Attachment of property- Transfer of property before assessment order was passed–Transfer is not void–Order of attachment by Tax recovery Officer is held to be void. [S. 156, 220 to 232, Second Schedule, R.2, 4, 16(2), 48,Securitisation Act, 2002 , S. 26E .]

ICICI Bank Ltd. v. TRO (2019) 411 ITR 518/ 308 CTR 262/ 176 DTR 428 (T&AP) (HC)

S. 275 : Penalty-Bar of limitation–Concealment of income-With effect from 1-6-2003–Limitation of six months from end of month in which order of Tribunal is received-Order received on 31-1-2008-penalty order was passed on 31-7-2008–Not barred by limitation. [S. 271(1)(c)]

Parisons Roller Flour Mills P. Ltd. v. CIT (2019)411 ITR 553 / 176 DTR 377/ 307 CTR 825/ 265 Taxman 35 ( Mag.) (Ker.) (HC)

S. 271E : Penalty-Repayment of loan or deposit–No commercial exigency is shown–Levy of penalty is held to be justified. [S. 2(31), 269SS, 271D, 273B]

Vasan Healthcare P. Ltd. v. Add. CIT (2019) 411 ITR 499 / 261 Taxman 594/ 177 DTR 9/308 CTR 346(Mad.)(HC)Editorial: Order of Tribunal in Vasan Healthcare Pvt Ltd v. Add.CIT ( 2019) 69 ITR 189 ( Chennai)(Trib) ,Vasan Medical Centre (I) P.Ltd v. Add.CIT ( 2019)69 ITR 189 ( Chennai)(Trib) is affirmed .SLP of assessee dismissed , Vasan Healthcare P. Ltd. v. Add. CIT ( 2021 ) 278 Taxman 273 (SC)

S. 271C : Penalty-Failure to deduct at source– Delay in paying whole or part of tax deducted at source- Reasonable cause-Penalty can be waived or reduced-Interpretation-When there is ambiguity interpretation in favour of assessee is to be adopted. [S.194C, 276C(1), 273B]

Lakshadweep Development Corporation Ltd. v. ACIT (TDS) (2019) 411 ITR 213 / 307 CTR 500/ 175 DTR 369(FB) (Ker.)(HC)

S. 263 : Commissioner-Revision of orders prejudicial to revenue– Land held as stock in trade-Revision is held to be not valid.

CIT v. Sunil Sankhla (2019) 411 ITR 437 (Raj.)(HC)

S. 254(1) : Appellate Tribunal-Powers-Payments prohibited by law- Reinsurance payments to non-Residents is not prohibited by law-The Tribunal has no power to exceed an order of remand by the High Court-Tribunal must decide issues raised in appeal—Tribunal has no power to declare Transaction illegal under different statute—Matter remanded to decide accordance with law. [S. 37(1), 40(a)(i), Insurance Act, 1938, S. 2(16B), 101A, 114A]

Cholamandalam Ms General Insurance Co. Ltd. v. DCIT (2019) 411 ITR 386 / 261 Taxman 414/ 176 DTR 397/ 309 CTR 252/Mad.) (HC)