This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 153A : Assessment–Search-Assessment was completed on the basis of return filed-No incriminating material being found during subsequent search, there could not be any assessment under section 153A/153C. [S. 143(3), 153C]
ACIT v. RPD Earth Movers (P.) Ltd. (2019) 174 ITD 717 (Chennai) (Trib.)
S. 80IC : Special category States-Profit on each undertaking has to be treated separately-Profits and losses of all eligible undertakings are not to be netted for purpose of calculating deduction – Each undertaking are to be taken on a stand-alone basis -Where the assessee availed deduction for a period of 5 years at rate of 100 per cent on substantial expansion , deduction for remaining 5 assessment years will be at rate of 30 per cent and not at rate of 100 per cent. [S. 80IC (2), 80IC(5), 80IC(7)]
Milestone Gears (P.) Ltd. v. ACIT (2019) 174 ITD 702 / 176 DTR 59/ 198 TTJ 870 (Chd.) (Trib.)
S. 69C : Unexplained expenditure-Bogus purchases-Business of manufacturing and trading of tea machineries-PAN cards were furnished -Payments were made by account payee cheques -TDS was deducted – Parties were produced for examination -Addition cannot be made as unexplained expenditure.
Pravesh Kejriwal v. ITO (2019) 174 ITD 662 (Kol.)(Trib.)
S. 68 : Cash credits–Bank Account-Agricultural income-Bank statement is not considered as books of account and, therefore, any sum found credited in bank pass book cannot be treated as an unexplained cash credit-Matter remanded.
Ramilaben B. Patel (Smt.) v. ITO (2019) 174 ITD 694 (Ahd.) (Trib.)
S. 68 : Cash credits-Share application money-Farmers- Identity, creditworthiness and also source of their investment was furnished -Addition is held to be not justified.
Britex Cotton International Ltd. v. DCIT (2019) 174 ITD 674 (Mum.)(Trib.)
S. 54F : Capital gains-Investment in a residential house-Deduction cannot be rejected only on the ground that the builder failed to construct construction with in prescribed time. [S. 45]
Dr. Kushagra Kataria .v. DCIT (2019) 174 ITD 648 (Delhi)(Trib.)
S. 45 : Capital gains-Unexplained investment-Long term capital gains -Penny stocks -Sale of shares–Accommodation entries-Purchase and sale of shares had been made through Bombay Stock Exchange and through DMAT account-Sale proceeds to be assessed as long term and cannot be assessed as unexplained investment–Eligible exemption. [S. 10(38), 69, 131]
Vidhi Malhotra .v. ITO (2019) 174 ITD 655 (Delhi)(Trib.)
S. 40(a)(i) : Amounts not deductible-Deduction at source -Non-resident–Foreign agent-Commission–No permanent establishment in India–Carrying activities outside India-Payment is neither taxable nor can be treated as payment for rendering any managerial, technical or consultancy services [S. 9(1), 195]
DCIT v. Mc Fills Enterprise (P.) Ltd. (2019) 174 ITD 667 (Ahd.)(Trib.)
S. 14A : Disallowance of expenditure-Exempt income–When there is no exempt income, no disallowance can be made. [R. 8D]
DCIT v. Mc Fills Enterprise (P.) Ltd. (2019) 174 ITD 667 (Ahd) (Trib.)
S. 250 : Appeal – Commissioner (Appeals) – power to admit additional evidence —Books of account and vouchers were produced before the AO -Commissioner (Appeals) can call for books of account, details and vouchers for examination — No violation of Rule 46A(4).[S.250(4) R. 46A ]
ITO v. Jaidka Woolen and Hosiery Mills P. Ltd. (2018) 68 ITR 216 (Delhi) (Trib)