This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 68 : Cash credits – Share premium-The fact that the premium is abnormally high as per test of human probabilities is not sufficient-The AO has to lift the corporate veil & determine whether any benefit is passed on to the shareholders/directors. Directions issued to AO to establish whether assessee company was used as a vehicle to pass on the benefit to shareholders/directors- Tribunal directed the AO to verify all the funds and cash flow management of the company for both AY. 2009-10 & 2010-11. AO should not resort to rely on circumstantial evidence or on test of human probabilities but on factual evidence of passing of benefit to the shareholders/directors- Addition was deleted subject to verification . [S.28(iv),56 ]

Bharathi Cement Corporation Pvt. Ltd. v. ACIT (Hyd) (Trib),

S. 40(a)(ia): Amounts not deductible – Deduction at source -The second proviso to S. 40(a)(ia) is beneficial to the assessee and is declaratory and curative in nature. Accordingly, it must be given retrospective effect.[ S.201(1) ]

PCIT v. Perfect Circle India Pvt. Ltd. (Bom)(HC),

S. 9(1)(i): Income deemed to accrue or arise in India – Business connection -Fixed place permanent establishment- Facts of the case clearly point to the fact that the assessee’s employees were not merely liaisoning with clients and the headquarters office. E-mail communications and chain mails indicate that with respect to clients and possible contracts of GE with Reliance CS-1, GE Oil & Gas, Bongaigaon Refinery, Draft LOA for WHRU (E-mail from Andrea Alfani (GE Overseas) to Vivek Venkatachalam (GEIIPL) and Riccardo Procacci (GEII) on proposed & connected matters mail to send Reliance, including comments to RIL on the proposed letter of acceptance and relevant attachments. Also, asked them whether they wanted to send the e-mail themselves to RIL or for it to be sent directly-These appear to show important role for Vivek and Riccardo in the negotiating process – These suggest that substantive work on the BHEL contract was done in India by amix of GE overseas and GE India team – Kind of activity i.e . manufacture and supply of highly specialised and technically customised equipment , the “ core activity “ of developing the customer (identifying a client) approaching that customer , communicating the available options , discussing technical and financial terms of the agreement , even price negotiations , needed collaborative process in which the potential client along with GE’s India employees and its experts , had to intensely negotiate the intricacies of the technical and commercial parameters of the articles etc .- Considering all the aspects the it is clearly revealed that the GE carried on business in India through its fixed place of business ( i.e. the premises ) through premises . Accordingly the order of the Tribunal is affirmed – The assessee cannot selectively quote on certain parts of the commentary –rather, must read the spirit of the entire commentary- Order of Tribunal is affirmed – DTAA-India- USA [ S.90,art.4, 5(1),5(3) ]

GE Energy Part Inc v. CIT( 2019)411 ITR 243/ 306 CTR 417/ 174 DTR 25 (Delhi) (HC), GE Genbacher Gmbh & Co v .CIT (Delhi) (HC), GE Engine Services Malaysia Sdn Bhd v .CIT (Delhi) (HC), GE Packed Power Inc v. CIT (Delhi) (HC), GE Transportation Parts LLC v. CIT (Delhi) (HC), GE Engine services Distribution LLC v. CIT (Delhi) (HC), GE Engine services Inc v. CIT (Delhi) (HC), GE Japan Ltd v. CIT (Delhi) (HC), GE Electronic Canada Company v. CIT (Delhi) (HC), GE Aircraft Engine Services Ltd v. CIT (Delhi) (HC), GE Aviation Services Operation LLP v. CIT (Delhi) (HC), GE Aviation Materials LP v. CIT (Delhi) (HC), GE Caledonian Ltd v. CIT (Delhi) (HC), GE Electronic Power Systems Inc v. CIT (Delhi) (HC), General Electric Canada Company v. CIT (Delhi) (HC), GE Multilin v. CIT (Delhi) (HC), GE Specific Ltd v. CIT (Delhi) (HC),

S. 2(ea) : Asset- Agricultural land–Capital gains-Measurement of distance -Distance of land from municipal limits aerially, not by road, and which have been substituted by Finance Act, 2013 with effect from 1-4-2014 are prospective in operation-Conversion of land from Agricultural use to non agricultural use though the land was converted into non-agricultural purposes, cultivation of the land for agricultural purposes till the date of sale continued unabated and as such, the land should be treated as agricultural land-Not liable to wealth tax. [S. 17, 2(14)(iii)(b)]

ACWT v. M.R. Jayaram (2019) 174 ITD 1 (Bang.)(Trib.)

S. 271D : Penalty–Takes or accepts any loan or deposit-Business of civil construction-Adjustment of loan towards sale of flat– Provision is held to be applicable–levy of penalty is held to be justified. [S.269SS, 269T]

Golla Narayana Rao v. ACIT (2019) 174 ITD 67 / 176 DTR 201/ 198 TTJ 407(Visakha)(Trib.)

S. 271AAB : Penalty-Search initiated on or after 1st day of July 2012-Disclosure of undisclosed income-Disclosed manner of earning of income and paid tax along with interest-liable to pay penalty at 10% and not at 30%. [S. 132(4)]

ACIT v. Vishal Agarwal. (2019) 174 ITD 125/ 175 DTR 127/ 198 TTJ 180 (Kol.)(Trib.)ACIT v. Shailaja Park ( P) Ltd (2019) 175 DTR 127/195 TTJ 180 (Kol) (Trib.) ACIT v. Vikash Agarwal (2019) 175 DTR 127 /195 TTJ 180(Kol) (Trib.)

S. 269T : Repayment of loans and deposits-Otherwise than by account payee cheque or account payee bank draft–Provision is applicable in case of adjustment of loan towards sale of flats- Payment of interest in cash provision is not applicable. [S. 271E]

Golla Narayana Rao v. ACIT (2019) 174 ITD 67 / 176 DTR 201/ 198 TTJ 407(Vishakha)(Trib.)

S. 145 : Method of accounting-Survey-In the course of survey incriminating material was found indicating unaccounted sale of flats -Rejection of books of account and estimation of income at 11 percent of gross sales is held to be justified. [S.69]

Golla Narayana Rao v. ACIT (2019) 174 ITD 67 / 176 DTR 201/ 198 TTJ 407(Vishakha)(Trib.)

S. 54B : Capital gains-Land used for agricultural purposes -Purchase of agricultural land prior to sale of agricultural land – Exemption is not available-Stamp duty paid is to be considered as part of cost of purchase of agricultural land. [S. 45]

Mathur Lal v. ITO (2019) 174 ITD 44 (Jaipur)(Trib.)

S. 48 : Capital gains–Indexation-Cost of improvement-Expenditure on levelling of agricultural land for purpose of irrigation from canal, benefit of indexed cost of improvement was to be granted. [S. 45]

Mathur Lal v. ITO (2019) 174 ITD 44 (Jaipur)(Trib.)