S. 68 : Cash credits – Share premium-The fact that the premium is abnormally high as per test of human probabilities is not sufficient-The AO has to lift the corporate veil & determine whether any benefit is passed on to the shareholders/directors. Directions issued to AO to establish whether assessee company was used as a vehicle to pass on the benefit to shareholders/directors- Tribunal directed the AO to verify all the funds and cash flow management of the company for both AY. 2009-10 & 2010-11. AO should not resort to rely on circumstantial evidence or on test of human probabilities but on factual evidence of passing of benefit to the shareholders/directors- Addition was deleted subject to verification . [S.28(iv),56 ]
Bharathi Cement Corporation Pvt. Ltd. v. ACIT (Hyd) (Trib), www.itatonline.org