This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 148A: Reassessment-Conducting inquiry, providing opportunity before issue of notice-Initial notice-Personal hearing-Personal hearing not statutory mandate but discretion of Assessing Officer-Writ petition is dismissed-Assessee can raise contentions in reassessment proceedings-Interpretation of taxing statutes-Legislative intent-Plain language of provision must be given its ordinary meaning.[S. 132, 147, 148, 148A(b),148A(d), Art. 226]

Satguru Sai Extrusions Pvt. Ltd. v. UOI (2024)463 ITR 714 /339 CTR 55 (Bom)(HC) Sai Balaji Extraction and Alloys Pvt. Ltd. v. UOI (2024)463 ITR 714 /339 CTR 55 (Bom)(HC)

S. 148A: Reassessment-Conducting inquiry, providing opportunity before issue of notice-Unrecorded marriage expenses-Inquiry not mandatory before issue of order-Writ petition to quash notice is dismissed. [S. 147, 148, 148A(b), Art. 226]

Popatlal Umedmalji Jain v. ITO (2024)463 ITR 734 (Bom)(HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment-With in four years-Reasons recorded are cryptic and vague-Notice and order disposing the objection is quashed and set aside.[S. 148, Art. 226]

Bharatkumar Nihalchand Shah v. ITO [2024] 463 ITR 94 (Guj)(HC)

S. 147: Reassessment-Principle of natural justice-Order passed without affording opportunity to be heard-Order is not valid-Directed to pass reasoned order after providing a reasonable opportunity of hearing.[S. 148, Art. 226]

Abhijeet Anilkumar Gaikwad v. ACIT (2024)463 ITR 810 (Bom)(HC)

S. 147: Reassessment-Prior period expenditure-Disallowance made in subsequent AY 2010-11 was set aside by CIT(A)-No appeal is filed before the CIT(A)-Reassessment notice and order disposing the objection is set aside. [S.37(1), 148, Art. 226]

Kirloskar Ferrous Industries Ltd. v. DCIT [2024] 463 ITR 570/ 162 867 (Bom)(HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment-With in four years-Capital gains-Transfer-Redemption of preference shares-Loss-No new material-Reassessment-Reassessment notice and order disposing the objection is quashed. [S. 2(47) 47(iv) 148, Art. 226]

The Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd. v. NFAC (2024) 463 ITR 145 (Bom)(HC) Editorial: NFAC. v The Great Eastern Shipping Co. Ltd. (2024)463 ITR 152 (SC)

S.147: Reassessment-After the expiry of four years-Depreciation on temporary structures at hundred per Cent-No failure to disclose any material facts-Change of opinion-Reassessment notice and order disposing the objection is quashed. [S. 32, 148, Art. 226]

Kuehne+Nagel Pvt. Ltd. v. Add. CIT (2024)463 ITR 159 (Delhi)(HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment-After the expiry of four years-No evidence of failure to disclose material facts-Notice to withdraw or reduce deduction is held to be not valid-Borrowed satisfaction-Pendency of appeal-Notice for reassessment is not valid [S.10A, 80HHE, 148, 250, Art. 226]

Eit Services India Pvt. Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2024)463 ITR 774 /337 CTR 3 (Karn)(HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment-After the expiry of four years-Reason recorded cryptic and vague-Notice and order disposing the objection is set aside. [S. 148, Art. 226]

Bharatkumar Nihalchand Shah v. ITO (2024)463 ITR 94 (Guj)(HC)

S. 147 : Reassessment-After the expiry of four years-Faceless Assessment-Best judgment-Statement of accommodation entry provider-Search and seizure-Bogus financial transactions-No live nexus between material relied and belief formed-The name of the assessee was not mentioned in the statement recorded-Reasons recorded cannot be supplemented by assessment order or affidavit-Best judgement assessment-No relevant material with the Assessing Officer-Assessment order is quashed. [S. 132(4), 144, 144B 147, 148, Art.226]

Pasari Casting and Rolling Mills (P.) Ltd. (2024) 463 ITR 469) / 159 675 /339 CTR 513 (Jharkhand)(HC)