This Digest of case laws is prepared by KSA Legal and AIFTP from judgements reported in BCAJ, CTR, DTR, ITD, ITR, ITR (Trib), Chamber's Journal, SOT, Taxman, TTJ, BCAJ, ACAJ, and other journals
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S. 80HHC : Export business-Profits-Interest earned on deposits and advances not entitled to deduction. [S.260A]

Kaushal Kishore Agarwal v. ITO (2024)463 ITR 683 (Raj)(HC)

S. 80G : Donation-Application for approval of institution-Genuineness of activities are not in doubt-Quantum of charitable activities cannot be the basis for granting approval-Order of Tribunal directing to grant the approval is affirmed. [S.80G(5). R.11AA]

CIT (E) v. Gangadeen Niranjan Lal Data Charitable Trust (2024) 463 ITR 690 (Raj)(HC) Editorial : SLP of Revenue is dismissed, leaving question of law open. CIT (E) v. Gangadeen Niranjan Lal Data Charitable Trust (2024) 297 Taxman 294/463 ITR 695 (SC)

S. 68 : Cash credits-Share application money-Identity, creditworthiness and genuineness of transaction established-Order of Tribunal deleting the addition is affirmed.[S. 260A]

PCIT v. Narsingh Ispat Ltd. (2024)463 ITR 566 (Cal)(HC)

S. 68 : Cash credits-Share application money-Test of creditworthiness and genuineness failed to prove-Addition is affirmed.[S.260A]

CIT v. Mayank Service Ltd [2024] 463 ITR 119 (Delhi) (HC)

S. 40(a)(i) : Amounts not deductible-Deduction at source-Non-resident-Non-Resident had no Permanent Establishment in India-Non-discrimination clause in Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement applicable-Disallowance is not justified-Provisions of agreement more beneficial to assessee is applicable-DTAA-India-Japan-United States of America.[S.9O, 195, art. 24(3), 26(3)]

CIT v. Mitsubishi Corporation India P. Ltd. (2024)463 ITR 335/337 CTR 889 / 159 539 (Delhi)(HC)

S. 32 : Depreciation-Intangible Assets-Goodwill-Amalgamation-The order of the Tribunal allowing the depreciation claim of the assessee was upheld by the High Court. [S. 32(1)(ii)]

CIT v. Hewlett Packard India Sales (P) Ltd. [2024] 463 ITR 329 / [2021] 124 431 (Karn) (HC) Editorial: SLP of the Revenue is dismissed, CIT v. Hewlett Packard India Sales Pvt. Ltd (2024) 463 ITR 334 / 161 46 (SC)

S. 12A : Registration-Trust or institution-Method and manner of service of notice under statutory provisions-Notice and reminders issued by CIT(E) were reflected only on portal and not sent to the assessee at its registered email address-Order passed was set aside holding that before any action is taken, a communication of notice must be in terms of provisions of section 282 and rules made thereunder [S. 12A(1)(ac)(ii), 282, Rule 127, Art. 226]

Munjal BCU Centre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship v. CIT (E) [2024] 463 ITR 560/ / 160 629 /338 CTR 479 (P& H) (HC)

S. 2(24)(xviii) : Income-Assistance in the form of a subsidy or grant or cash incentive or duty drawback or waiver or concession or reimbursement-Incentive-Subsidies-Capital or revenue-Constitutional validity of insertion of sub-clause (xviii) of the Finance Act, 2015 which brought subsidies, all forms of incentives given by Government under the ambit of taxable income-The Amendment was constitutionally valid-The mere fact that the institution of tax by virtue of the impugned sub-clause falls more heavily on petitioner cannot result in its invalidity-Court Cannot Substitute Legislative Judgment of Economic Policies. [S. 4, Art. 12, 14, 19, 226, 246, 265, 289]

Serum Institute of India (P.) Ltd. v UOI [2024] 463 ITR 582 /336 CTR 6 (Bom)(HC)

S. 277 : Offences and prosecutions-False statement-Verification-Prosecution was launched two years prior to date of filing of application before Settlement Commission-Pending of prosecution was not brought to the notice of Settlement Commission-Provision of section 245I is not applicable-Proceedings canot be quashed-SLP of assessee is dismissed.[S. 245C, 245I, Art. 136]

S.S. Hyderabad Biriyanai (P.) Ltd v. Dy. DIT (Inv) (2024) 298 Taxman 198/ 160 418/465 ITR 410 (SC) Editoorial : S.S. Hyderabad Biriyanai (P.) Ltd v. Dy. DIT (Inv) (2024) 160 417 (Mad)(HC)

S. 276C : Offences and prosecutions-Willful attempt to evade tax-Paid self assessment tax with interest-Delayed payment of income tax would not amount to evasion of tax, there was no evasion of tax on part of assessee-company though there was a delay in payment of tax for which interest was paid-Prosecution launched is quashed. [S.140A(3), 276(2), 278B, Art. 226]

Hansa Metallics Ltd. v. Dy. CIT (2024) 298 Taxman 67 (P&H)(HC)